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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2008 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

D. Ballian, B. Giersberg, U. Tröber: GENETIČKA VARIJABILNOST OBIČNE TISE (Taxus baccata L.) ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXII (2008), 431-443
tant and less susceptible to degradation and drying, than the populations
from the west as they possess sufficient genetic variability.

Lower value of heterozygosis of the studied populations as opposed to the
populations of the Yew from Central Europe show that the studied populations
were under strong anthropogenic influence, however, they did not lose
much of its adaptation genetic potential. If we analyze the heterozygosis of the
gene loci 6-Pgdh – A, that is quite high, points at higher level of resistance of
our Yew populations.

In order to preserve natural genetic resources of Common Yew in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, it is necessary to establish gene banks in situ and ex situ,
which are necessary for preservation of the genetic diversity.

In the activities with larch, and in its restoration, advantage should be given
to its natural rejuvenation, with permanent monitoring of its genetic
structure, in order to allow timely measures for preservation of optimal natural
genetic structure that is typical for each separate population.