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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2008 str. 63 <-- 63 --> PDF |
J. Domac, Z. Benković, T. Starčić: RAZVITAK ODRŽIVE INDUSTRIJE DRVENOG UGLJENAŠumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXII (2008), 555-561 coal production options being pro moted. The Module on Legal Framework and Institutions carried out the analysis of the roles to be played by different national organizations in the implementation of integrated charcoal and wood energy policies and programmes. The Module on Training and Extension consisted in the preparation of specific training and extension material and the organization of international study tour and training courses in the country. The results and conclusions from the project and the identification of fu ture action lead to the following recommendations: The State Office for Standardisation should draft out the charcoal quality standard according to relevant European norms implementing their positive effects into our standards. The State Office for Standardisation should form a Technical Committee for wooden biomass that would also be in charge for charcoal. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management should provide translation of relevant EU norms (especially EN 1860-2:2005) within the FAO project and submit that to the producers of charcoal who could then be able to implement them in their own production. The Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management should create legal framework to form market of wooden products (wood bourse) in order to make that raw material more available on the market. The Wood Processing and Use Act has been in the parliamentary procedure which will create a legal basis for formation of the said bourse. The Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management should promote and organise inspection of wooden products trade to ensure transparent trading in accordance with marketing terms. The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Con struction should issue a legal obligation for deposing of biomass – wooden residual of wood processing industry and forestry in order to further incite energetic use. The Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship should implement the system to encourage new charcoal production technologies which will increase the efficiency of the production. The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, in cooperation with the respective ministries, in accordance to the operational programme for 2008, 2009 and 2010 shall carry out a tender for mo der nisation and expansion of the existing and starting up of the new charcoal production facilities. The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Con struction, should issue guidelines for selection of location of the new facilities in accordance with the existing legal regulations regarding building due to avoid misinterpretation of regulation by the local/regional self-governance units. Forestry Extension Service should organise education on advantages, possibilities and limitation of the charcoal producers associations and the possibilities to secure financing for modernisation of this production which would include the preparation of the guidebook. Charcoal producers should form regional cooperatives and establish the national association of charcoal producers at the Croatian Chamber of Economy or independently in order to gain easier and more quality market appearance. The Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts should definitely be included in this process. The referral centre should be formed either at the Forestry Extension Service or regional energy agencies that would provide information re gard ing new technologies, financial options, and mediate in the appearance of domestic producers on foreign markets. |