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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2009 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

V. Topić, L. Butorac, G. Jelić: BIOMASA U PANJAČAMAPLANIKE(Arbutus unedoL.) NA OTOKU BRAČUŠumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIII (2009), 5-14
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SUMMARY: The authors have collected and partly published the data
about biomass for some important species on the Mediterranean karst area of
Croatia during their research on projects. In this paper the data for strawberry
tree (Arbutus unedoL.), whith together wit holm oak (Quercus ilexL.), laurestine
(Viburnum tinusL.), crack phyllirea (Phillyrea latifoliaL.), white
heath (Erica arboreaL.) and other maquis elements are published, which are
found in Mediterranean littoral vegetation area of forest vegetation of holm
oak (Quercion ilicis). This vegetation is spread from Istra to the Albanian
border, especially on the middle and south Dalmatian islands: Brač, Korčula,
Mljet, Lokrum and others. The vegetation develops in the form of closed
maquis, rarely small forest (coppice). It grows till 10 m high and has a strong
sprout strenght. It is completely adapted to ecologic situation of Adriatic forest,
to draught, salt and cold, if it does not last long. Its fruit is edible and is
used for making jam, spirit or liquer. It is also important as decorative plant
in horticulture. It is especially nice in autumn, when the flowers and fruit are
on the same branch.