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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2009 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

Ž. Zečić, I. Stankić, D. Vusić, A. Bosner, D. Jakšić: ISKORIŠTENJE OBUJMAI VRIJEDNOST DRVNIH ...Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIII (2009), 27-37

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Krpan,A., D. Pičman,2001: Neka obilježja
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Prpić,B., Z.Seletković,2001: Ekološka konstitucija
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SUMMARY: Silver fir (Abies albaMill.) is naturally distributed in mountainous
regions of central, southern and parts of western Europe (Figure 1).
Ecologically, commercially and traditionally, silver fir is the most important
Croatian conifer species, participating in the total conifer growing stock with
about 35 % (Prpić and Seletković 2001). It occurs in selection forests, which
represent an important ecological stronghold of the most forested region in the
Republic of Croatia. The stand’s health status is assessed by monitoring the
crown condition of individual trees. Dobbertin and Brang (2001) showed that
mortality rates increase exponentially with increasing defoliation. Crown
damage can be monitored indirectly and directly, but neither of these methods
is completely objective (Redfern and Boswell 2004). The health status of
forests in Europe is monitored on an annual level within the International
Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution
Effects on Forests, ICP FORESTS. The programme was launched in 1985, and
the Republic of Croatia joined in 1992. Monitoring is repeated in permanent
plots by indirect (visual) assessment of crown defoliation of freely grown trees.