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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2009 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

Sikavica, P., H.Skoko, D. Tipurić, M. Dalić: Po -fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 1997, str.
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bač ka poslovna škola, Zagreb, 1992.

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telj u šumarskoj organizaciji/ poduzeću – tvrtki).
na uzroka nerazvijenosti privatnog poduzetni-

Pregledni materijal oblikovan za potrebe studeštva
u šumskom gospodarstvu Hrvatske. Studija.nata červrte godine šumarstva. Šumarski fakul-
Zavod za istraživanja u šumarstvu, Šumarskitet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, str. 1–34.

SUMMARY: The analysis of business operation of forestry office, as the
basic and fundamental organization unit in the Republic of Croatia, was done
on the model of Ludbreg forestry office that lies within Forestry Head Office,
Koprivnica Branch. In the process of analysis, the forestry office was presented
through the survey of its complete organizational structure as well as its
business operation and legislative regulations of Croatian forestry. In the
research all the functions of forestry were analysed, such as productivity function,
the function of protection and preservation of forests as well as the function
of public education.

The following methods were applied in the process of analysing ana evaluating:

–SWOT analysis
Based on SWOT analysis results, the fundamental strength lies within the
qualified and motivated human resources supported by stable financing.
Most of the factors of weaknesses within are the result of and are
connnected to higher-ranked organizational system containing oversized
hierarchy of decision making

–There are possibilities to decrease the existing suborganizations of the
main managing functions without destroying the basic principles of the
organization and bussines protocols, as well as the possibility of developing
new operations together with strengthening the public role of Forestry.
Poll was made on the sample of 50 respondents from the various institutions,
organizations or societies in the local area, such as local government,
eductional institutions, and citizen’s associations. It included respondents
selected by gender, degree of education and the fact whether they owned the
private forests or not. The aim of the poll was to establish the role of forester’s
work in the local area. The result of the poll showed that there is a serious
interest in the well beeing and prosperity of the forests and environment among
the public.The role and importance of the forester is regarded by the public
quite high and this profession is considered to be important, ranked immediately
after a doctor and a teacher, and before a vet and a lawyer. A full confidence
regarding the management of forests is given to forestry profession.

–Analysis of basic management functions
Planning – within the sphere of planning it is suggested to include forestries
into the decission making on the strategic level through the possibilities
of widening the range of activities (ore and mineral resources, drinking water,
plantations, transplanting and similar activities). It can be achieved by
including forestry personnel into the working groups, ad hoc groups or teams
especially when the development and application of local norms is the issue.