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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2009 str. 2     <-- 2 -->        PDF



Dana 1. travnja o.g., zajedno s predsjednikom Hrvatskoga šumarskog društva mr. P.Jurjevićem, nazočio sam sastanku
sektorske radionice za šumarstvo, u svrhu konzultacijskoga procesa za ekološku mrežu Natura 2000 u Hrvatskoj,
kojega je organizirao Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode. Ponajprije me začudilo kako među predstavnicima Zavoda nema
niti jednoga šumara, a zna se kako su od osnivanja Zavoda na njegovu čelu do nedavno bili šumari (Kevo, Šobat,
Meštrović, Mihanić). U većini hrvatskih nacionalnih parkova i parkova prirode osnovni fenomen je šuma, pa kako to da
nitko od šumara kao zaposlenik Državnoga Zavoda za zaštitu prirode, ako ih uopće ima, ne vodi radionicu.

Šumarska znanost ide dalje i zasigurno bi čitava rasprava o Naturi 2000 imala drugi tijek kada bi je vodio iskusan
šumar uzgajivač, ekolog ili zaštitar, a što se i vidjelo nastupom prof. Vukelića koji je svoj posao oko Nacionalne ekološke
mreže sa svojim timom obavio izuzetno korektno.

Šumarska znanost i struka kroz Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo stvorila je značajne znanstvene i stručne temelje za učinkovito
uzgajanje šuma u Hrvatskoj, po načelu Zagrebačke škole za uzgajanje šuma, stvorivši prirodno gospodarenu
šumu, koja u 95 % državnih šuma djeluje kao zaštitna šuma.Toga u Europi nema i naše šume predstavljaju zapravo
objekte opće zaštite prirode, što se primjerice treba uzeti u obzir u zaštiti 20 % velikih šumskih zajednica.

Čudi nas rasprava na sektorskoj radionici o produženju ophodnje što smo i mi zastupali prije pojave staklenika atmosfere
i od toga odustali, jer je stara šuma kao ponor ugljika neučinkovita. Buni nas i Izvješće Državnoga zavoda za zaštitu
prirode o “Stanju prirode i zaštite prirode u RH” za šumarstvo (podrobnije Zapisnik 3. sjednice Upravnog i Nadzornog
odbora Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva, “Šum. list” 11–12/2008., str. 589, odsječak 2, iz pera tajnika Damira Delača,
dipl., ing.).

Iako je šumarstvo na Šumarskome fakultetu u Zagrebu dobro utemeljeno biološkim programom o šumi kao ekosustavu,
a šumari su zasigurno najbolje educirani za radove u zaštiti šumovite prirode, nama trebaju biolozi radi nadopune
strukture šumskih ekosustava u smislu proučavanja dijela životinjskoga i biljnoga svijeta, mikorize i alelopatije, ali nikako
ne za davanje uputa o gospodarenju šumama, što treba prepustiti iskusnim uzgajivačima, ekolozima, šumarima, fitocenolozima
i zaštitarima šuma.

Kao primjer dobre suradnje ističemo onu s biologinjom dr. Jasminkom Radović, koja je shvatila šumu kao izutetno
prirodno bogatstvo u Hrvatskoj.
Prof. dr. sc. Branimir Prpić



Together with Mr. P. Jurjević, MSc, President of the Croatian Forestry Association, I attended a sector meeting of theforestry workshop held on April 1, 2009. The meeting was organized by the State Institute for Nature Protectionwith thepurpose of discussing a consulting process for the Natura 2000 Ecological Network in Croatia.

To start with, I was astonished not to see any forestry experts among the Institute’s representatives, despite the factthat, until recently, the Institute had always been headed by forestry professionals (Kevo, Šobat, Meštrović, Mihanić). Thebasic phenomenon in the majority of the Croatian national parks and nature parks is a forest: therefore, it is surprisingthat the workshop was not run by a forester working in the State Institute for Nature Protection, if indeed there are anyforesters employed by the Institute.

The forestry science marches on, and the entire discussion on Natura 2000 would certainly have had a different coursehad it been chaired by an experienced forest silviculturalist, ecologist or protector. This was particularly evident whenProfessor Vukelić took the stand:his team had completed their part of work around the National Ecological Networkexceptionally professionally.

Through the Croatian Forestry Association, the forestry science and profession have laid invaluable scientific andexpert foundations for an efficient management with Croatian forests according to the principles of the Zagreb School ofSilviculture. Their work has resulted in the establishment of a naturally managed forest, which has a protective role in 95% of state-owned forests. This does not exist in Europe any more; thus, Croatian forests in fact represent sites of generalnature protection, something to take into account in protecting 20 % of large forest communities.

We were apprehensive about the debates in the sector workshop concerning the prolongation of the rotation period.
We ourselves had advocated this approach prior to the occurrence of the atmospheric glasshouse effect, but have sinceabandoned this idea since old forests are inefficient as carbon sinks.We were also puzzled by the report of the StateInstitute for Nature Protection on the “Current State of Nature and Nature Protection in Croatia”, issued for forestry (seein more detail: minutes of the 3rdmeeting of the Managing and Supervisory Board of the Croatian Forestry Association,
“Forestry Journal” 11–12/2008, p. 589, paragraph. 2, written by the secretary Damir Delač, BSc.).

Although forestry at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb is firmly based on a biologicalprogram of forest as an ecosystem
and although foresters are undoubtedly the best educated persons to deal with forest nature protection, we still needbiologiststocomplement the structure of forest ecosystems in the sense of studying a part of animal and plant world, mycorrhiza
and allelopathy. However,they can in no way give instructions on how to manage forests. This part of work shouldbe allocated to experienced silviculturalists, ecologists, foresters, phytocoenologists and forest protectors.

An example of good cooperation is that with Dr. Jasminka Radović, a biologist who perceives forests as an exceptional
natural wealth in Croatia.
Professor Branimir Prpić, PhD

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Odraz proljeća u Staroj Česmi – Reflections of spring in Stara Česma River
(Fo to–Pho to:Branko Meštrić)

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