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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2009 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF

L. Butorac, V.Topić, A. Jazbec, G. Jelić: POVRŠINSKO OTJECANJE OBORINAI GUBICI TLA...Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIII (2009), 165-174
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SUMMARY: Severe degradation of forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean karst
area is largely responsible for their lessened anti-erosion function. Almost 60% of
the area is covered with coppices, scrub, maquis and bare land, while high forests of
mostly Aleppo and black pine account for only 9.9 % of the forested area (Topić,
1994). In addition, fires in this area are generally of alarming proportions, making it
possible to attribute soil erosion, to a certain extent, to the impact of forest fires.

This paper presents the results of research into erosion and surface runoff in the
Aleppo pine area burnt in a fire on 11August 2001. Post-fire vegetation progression
was monitored and so was its impact on soil protection from erosion and surface runoff.

Research was conducted in the Žrnovnica river in a wider area of the town of
Split. This is the eu-Mediterranean phytogeographic region characterized by the
Mediterranean climate with distinct oscillations of monthly temperatures and precipitation.
Mean annual air temperature is 15.9 °C and mean monthly precipitation is
826 mm. Annual precipitation is not uniformly distributed across all the months and
