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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2009 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

I. Trinajstić, Z. Cerovečki: ASOCIJACIJA Festuco drymeiae-Fagetum MAGIC 1978 (Aremonio-Fagion) ... Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIII (2009), 249-256
SUMMARY: The beech and mountain festuc forwst association (Festuco
drymeiae-Fagetum Ass.) was described for the first time in Slovakia (Magic
1978) and later it was discovered in Slovenia (Cimperšek 1988). In Croatia,
this association was first noticed by Regula – Bevilacqu (1978) and analyzed
in the area of Strahinjščica in the status of subassociation as the Fagetum illyricum
boreale festucetosum drymeiae subass. In the status autonomous asasociation,
the beech and mountain festuc forest for territory of Croatia wasreported by Cerovečki (2002), Baričević (2002) and Škvorc (2006), but attributed
the authorship to Cimperšek (1988) which lather proved to be according
to Magic (1978) incorrect.

So far in the forest vegetation of north-west Croatia, the ass. Festuco drymeiae-
Fagetum has been studied on the mountains between the Drava and Sava
Rivers in Hrvatsko zagorje, on Mavcelj, Ravna gora, Strahinjščica and Ivančica.
Its floristic composition is shown in Table 1. On the basis of the floristic
structure, it can be distinguished a typical, moderately mesophilous ausbass.
Festucetosum drymeiae and markedly thermophilous subass. fra xi netosum
orni, showing the floristic connection with the ass. Opstryo-Fagetum.

In the mountain belt of the north-west Croatia on the slighily and moderately
inclined slopes Festuco drymeia-Fagetum Ass. present interms of forest
management the most valuable forests where the cominon beech achieves its
maximumw with respest to the wood mass production and quality.