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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2009 str. 47 <-- 47 --> PDF |
T. Jakovljević, K. Berković, G. Tartari, B. Vrbek, J. Vorkapić-Furač: ATMOSFERSKA TALOŽENJA ... Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIII (2009), 267-278 đivanju i fosfora i amonijakalnog dušika. Zbog mini-gurnošću moći primjenjivati u znanstveno-istraživamalnog manulanog rada i bolje ponovljivosti ispitivanja, čkom radu i ICP Forsets programu intenzivnog motreprimijenjena nova metoda određivanja može se sa sigur-nja, jer je prilagođena upravo specifičnostima uzoraka nošću smatrati dobrom alternativom već standardnim uzetih iz šumskog ekosustava. metodama. Isto tako će se ova metoda sa potpunom si- LITERATURA – References Andersson, F., 1986: Acidic deposition and effects Seletković, I., N. Potočić, 2004: Oštećenost šu on the forests of Nordic Europa, Water, Air& ma u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2003. Soil Pollution, 30, 17–29. go dine, Šumarski list, 137, 3–4. Freiesleben, N.E., C. Ridder, 2005: Patterns of Tartari,G., 2002: Metodi analitici per le acque, CNR acid deposition to a Danish spruce forest, Water, ISE, Italija, str. 24. Air& Soil Pollution, 162, 135–141. Vasilj, Đ., 2000: Osnovne biometričke metode, Hr- Grennfelt, P., H. Hultber g, 1986: Effects of nitro-vat sko Agronomsko društvo, Zagreb. gen deposition on the acidification of terrestrial Vrbek, B., 2002:Utjecaj padalina na kemijski sastav and aquatic ecosystem, Water, Air& Soil Pollu tekuće faze tala šumske zajednice hrasta lužnjaka tion, 30, 945–963. i običnog graba u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, Di- Holler, F. M., D. Skoog, S. R. Crouch, 2007: sertacija, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb, str.65. Principles of instrumental analyses, 6th edition, Westgard, O. J., 2003: Basic method validation, 2nd Thomson Brooks/Cole, Canad ICP Forests, Edition, Madison, USA. 2006, Manual on methods and criteria for har- Zar, J. H., 1999: Biostatistical analysis, Prentice Hall monized sampling, assessment, monitoring and International, USA, str. 324. analyses of the effects of air pollution on forests, Part VI Sampling and Analysis of Deposition ISO 8258:1998, Shewhart control charts. Lorenz, M., R. Fischer, 2006: Forest condition in Europa, BFH, Hamburg. Mosello, R., M. Amoriello, S. Arisci, 2005: Validation of chemical analyses of atmosferic deposition in forested European sites, J. Limnology, 64, 93–102. SUMMARY: The ICP Forests and EU Regulation aim to conduct intensive and continous monitoring on forests ecosystem as a means of evaluating the damage caused atmosferic pollution and other factors influencing forest con- dition.There is no doubt that phosphorus and nitrogen are among the most important elements for the biosphere and its biochemical cycles. Therefore, to get the most correct information about the concentration of different types of these elements is invaluable for understanding the control and creating biochemical cycles.In this work the implementation and validation of new colorimetric method on automatic analyser for determination of phosphorus and ammonia has been investigeted. The investigation was performed on samples precipitated water in the forest ecosystem.Until now standard methods, spectrophotometry has been used for determination of phosphorus and ammonia.In the validation procedure following criteria have been investigated: graphical analyses of measured results, accuarcy, linearity in the working range, the limit of detection, the limit of quantification and the repeatability. The results showed that the method for determination of phosphorus and ammonia on automatic analyser is linear in the range of investigation (Table 1), while the t-test has showed that differences between these two methods are not significant being 99,99 %. From the control charts it is obvious that the repea |