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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2009 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

N. Potočić, I. Seletković, M. Čater, T. Ćosić, M. Šango, M. Vedriš: EKOFIZIOLOŠKI ODZIV SUNCU ... Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIII (2009), 289-300
Murten, Switzerland, 7-12 Sept 2008. Abstracts. Stilinović, S. (1987): Proizvodnja sadnog materi-

Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Research Institute jala šumskog i ukrasnog drveća i žbunja, Univer-

WSL. 162 pp. zitet u Beogradu, 454 str.
StatSoft, Inc. (2006). STATISTICA (data analysis soft

ware system), version 7.1.

SUMMARY: The large-scale dieback of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), present
in Croatia in the past two decades, has led to atypical growth conditions
for young Common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees on beech-fir sites. This is
in contradiction with recent forestry practice and ecological requirements of
beech (skiophytic, drought sensitive).

The aim of this study was to improve the fundamental understanding of the
influence of light and nutrient availability in early stages of the development
of beech seedlings. To determine the ecophysiological response of beech seedlings
to full sunlight conditions, a nursery experiment was established with
three fertilization treatments (2, 4 and 6g of Osmocote Exact per 1 liter of substrate)
to simulate various soil fertility conditions (low, optimal and high availability
of nutrients).

For every treatment, total biomass of seedlings (foliage, stem, roots) and
the elemental concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium
and magnesium in the plant material determined by chemical analysis.
Height and root-collar diameter have been measured and roots morphologically
analyzed (WinRhizo software package). Light saturation curves (0, 50,
250, 600 in 1200 µmol/m2s) and A-Ci curves (0, 100, 400, 700 in 1000 µmol
CO2/l) have been measured (Li-Cor LI-6400) in a controlled environment.

Height, diameter and biomass of seedlings increased with fertilizer dose.
Concentrations of N, P and K were growing with fertilizer dose, while Ca and
Mg concentrations showed negative effects of overfertilization at the highest
fertilizer dose. Root length, surface area and number of root tips were highest
in the intermediate treatment while roots were least developed at the highest
fertilizer dose.

In all cases assimilation rates of seedlings corresponded well with leaf
mass (r2 = 0,59), leaf (r2 = 0,44) and root total nitrogen (r2 = 0,58) and total
leaf phosphorus (r2 = 0,45).

Regardless of the conditions of full sunlight and an irregular water supply
to seedlings while growing in the nursery, they showed a standard ecophysiological
response to fertilization treatments, indicating that despite the changed
site conditions in beech and fir stands, the seedlings may keep the
capacity to adapt to the environment. The most successful development of seedlings
can be expected on nutrient-rich sites.

Key words:Beech, fertilization, nutrient status, biomass, photosynthesis