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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2009 str. 2 <-- 2 --> PDF |
RIJEČ GLAVNOGA UREDNIKA JOŠ O ŠUMI I ZAŠTITI PRIRODE U SVEZI S NATURA 2000 U HRVATSKOJ Izdvajanje šumskih ekosustava s njihovim staništima u nacionalnu ekološku mrežuu kopnenome dijelu Hrvarske bilo je vrlo uspješno, dok je u Sredozemlju predstavljalo teškoće zbog degradiranosti šumske vegetacije. Budući da u kopnenome dijelu imamo prirodno gospodarene šume, bilo bi uputno u nacionalnoj ekološkoj mreži NATURA2000 uzgojiti što više šuma sjemenjača hrastova crnike i medunca u hrvatskome Sredozemlju, kako iz degradiranihšuma s očuvanim dijelom ekosustava (makija, šikare medunca), tako i ukulturamaborova s prirodnom pojavom autohtonih vrsta.To bi značajno povećalo vrijednost općekorisnih funkcija tih šuma. Prirodno gospodarene hrvatske šume predstavljaju izuzetnu vrijednost u Europi, ponajprije jer osiguravaju brojne općekorisnie funkcije s vrlo naglašenom zaštitom prirode. Uz FSC certifikaciju šuma, Zagrebačka škola uzgajanja šuma raspolaže s tehnologijama kojima se u prirodno gospodarenoj šumi postiže biološka raznolikost jednaka onoj u prašumi, što još više osigurava njezinu prirodnost. Sve pozitivno što danas posjeduju hrvatske državne šume postigla je šumarska struka u proteklih 250 godina, pa nije li logično da se toj struci prepusti skrb o naciomalnoj ekološkoj mreži šuma u Hrvatskoj. Moram naglasiti da smo kao struka izvrsno organizirani i dobro obučeni, što smo dokazali sastavom naših šuma, od kojih svaka po svojoj strukturi može biti prema europskim kriterijima proglašena nacionalnim parkom. Mi se, međutim, danas natječemou proglašavanju zaštićenih površina s osnovnim fenomenom šume, osnivamo nove uprave u kojima izbjegavamo zaposliti šumare, “jer oni samo sijeku”. Razbacujemo se zapravo sa sredstvima kojihnemamo, umjesto da zaštitu prirode obavljamo zajednički, svaki stručnjakza svoju komponentu (šumari, biolozi, veterinari, sociolozi). Svaki čuvar šume zna sve ono što bi trebao znati rendžer, zanimanje koje smo pokupili u SAD-u i mukotrpno gadanas pokušavamo implementirati, a većulugarima koji vode skrb o fenofazama drveća i životinjskom svijetu šume, imamo obučene ljude. Predlažem u ime šumarske struke da predstavnici Državnoga zavoda za zaštitu prirode sjednu zajedno za okrugli stol sa šumarima, kako bi se NATURA2000 iskoristila za razuman dogovor o zaštiti prirode u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podsjećam kako sam u Šum. listu 1–2/2008. pisao o mogućnosti prijelaza Državne uprave za zaštitu prirode iz Ministarstvakulture u Ministartvošumarstva, regionalnog razvoja ivodnog gospodarstva.To bi zasigurno otklonilo brojne nesporazume u zaštiti prirode šumovitih prostora i ulozi biologa u zaštiti šumskih ekosustava, ili jeipak bolje živjeti u dubokoj sjeni ministra, koji odgolemoga posla svojega područja nema puno vremena za zaštitu prirode. Prof. em. dr. sc. Branimir Prpić A WORD FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MORE ABOUT FORESTS AND NATURE PROTECTIONIN RELATION TO NATURA 2000 IN CROATIA Classification of forest ecosystems and their habitats into the national ecological network in the continental part of Croatia was performed very successfully; however, in the Mediterranean part the task was made more difficult by the degraded condition of the forest vegetation. Since the continental part abounds in forests managed on a close-to-nature principle, it would be opportune to raise as many high forests as possible of holm and pubescent oak in the Croatian part of the Mediterranean within the NATURA 2000 ecological network. These forests could be raised from both degraded forests with preserved parts of the ecosystem (maquis, pubescent oak scrub), and from pine cultures with naturally occurring autochthonous species. This would considerably increase the non-market value of these forests. Croatian forests managed on a close-to-nature principle represent an exceptional asset for Europe, owing in the first place to their numerous non-market functions, in particular those associated withnature protection. In addition to the FSC forest certification, the technologies used by the Zagreb School of Silviculture ensure biological diversity in naturally managed forests equal to biodiversity in virgin forests, which further enhances their naturalness. The 250-year history and hard work of the forestry profession in Croatia has resulted in a number ofpositive benefits currently attributed to Croatian state forests. Would it not be logical, therefore, that the task of caring for the national ecological forest network in Croatia is given to this profession? I should stress that as a profession we are very well organized and adequately trained, as testified by the composition and structure of Croatian forests, of which every single one could be proclaimed a national park under the European criteria. We, instead, are competing in giving areas with forests as basic phenomena the status of protected areas. We are establishing new administrations but hesitating to employ professional foresters, because “all they do is cut down forests”. We, in fact, arethrowing away money which is short anyway, instead of gathering specialists from different fields (foresters, biologists, veterinarians, sociologists) in the joint task of nature protection. Every forest keeper is well trained in all those forest matters which aranger (a professional term taken over from the USA) is supposed to know. We are spending considerable means on educatingrangers despite the fact that our forest keepers, who care for tree phenophases and forest wildlife, are already well trained and equipped for the job. I speak on behalf of the forest profession and suggest that representatives of the State Institute of Nature Protection and forestry professionals sit down at the round table and use NATURA 2000 as an opportunity to reach a satisfying agreement on nature protection in the Republic of Croatia. I would like to remind the readership that the issue of Forestry Journal 1–2/2008 already tackled the possibility oftranslocatingthe State Administration for Nature Protection from the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Forestry, Regional Development and Water Management. This would undoubtedly eliminate various misunderstandings related to nature protection in forested areas and the role of biologists in the protection of forest ecosystems. Or is it more convenient to live in the shade of a minister who, overwhelmed by the enormity of workin his field, finds little time for nature protection? Emeritus Professor Branimir Prpić, Ph.D. Naslovna stranica – Front page: Šumski mozaik kod slapova Krke –Forest Mosaic at River Krka Waterfalls (Foto–Photo:Zvonimir Ištvan) Na kla da1850pri mje ra ka |