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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2009 str. 28 <-- 28 --> PDF |
D. Matošević, M. Pernek, T. Dubravac, B. Barić: ISTRAŽIVANJE FAUNE LISNIH MINERA... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXIII (2009), 381-390 adults, pupae, shape and colour of leafmines, its position on leaves, frasslines and host plant species. In the results section for each found species of leafminers a host plant, colleciton site and date, number of generations, months when mines can be found on leaves and note on new record (Table 1) is given. In total, 98 species from the orders Hymenoptera (9 species), Coleoptera (2), Lepidoptera (78) and Diptera (9) were found. Out of them, 38 species can be considered as new records for Croatia. Five species of leafminers have been recently introduced into the Croatian fauna as new invasive species. Leafminers found during this research have varied in their choice of host plant, 23 species are defined as first degree monophags, 23 species are second degree monophags, 27 species are third degree monophags, 24 species are systematic oligophags, and only 1 species was polifagous. This is not final number of leafminer species on woody plants in Croatia and continuation of this kind of research is strongly suggested. Key words:leafminers, new record, Hymenoptera,Coleoptera,Lepidoptera, Diptera |