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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2009 str. 61 <-- 61 --> PDF |
Z. Cerovečki: ŠUME BUKVE S TRSTOLIKOM MILAVOM–As. Calamagrosti arundinaceae-Fagetum ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXIII (2009), 417-423 SUMMARY: In the border area between the continental and littoral beech forests, according to I. Horvat (1962) the beech forests with the reed grass described as.Calamagrosti arundinaceae-Fagetum(Ht. 1950)Cerovečki ass. novaare developed. The association is divided into two subassociations, the more thermophilous one (caricetosum albae) and the more mesophilous one (abietetosum albae). The subassociation with the white reed comprises the pure beech forests, which on Obruč from the physiognomic point of view are found as two different types. One type includes the normally developed high- value economic forests coverig considerable areas of that region, and the forests of the stunted looking beech, limited to the extended plateau under the cliff to the northeast from the highest peak of Obruč. The latter type has developed under the influence of the specific climatic conditins and the characteristic massif orography. Generally, the area of Obruč, Pakleno, Crni vrh and Sljeme is specific with respect to the climatic phenomena and phytogeographical belonging. The beech and reed grass forests grow in the said area on the moderately inclined slopes and plateaus above rendzinas or moderately deep and soils between the blocks of rock. The forests of the as. Calamagrosti arundinaceae-Fagetumhave been classified into the allianceAremonio-Fagion, the order Fagetalia sylvaticae and the classQuerco-Fagetea. |