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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2009 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

R. Pašičko, D. Kajba, J. Domac: KONKURENTNOST ŠUMSKE BIOMASE U HRVATSKOJ U UVJETIMA... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXIII (2009), 425-438

Sušnik,H., Z.Benković,2007: Energetska strate-Proceedings of the Conference:The role of short
gija Republike Hrvatske u kontekstu održivog rotationcropsin the energy market. December
razvitka šumarstva i poljoprivrede. Obnovljivi 1–5, 2003. Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, New
izvori energije u Republici Hrvatskoj (energija Zealand. Str.1–10.
biomase, bioplina i biogoriva), HGK, Osijek,

Volk, T. A., T. Verwijst, P. J. Tharakan, L.P.
27.–29. svibnja 2007., Zbornik radova:11–18.

Abrahamson, E. H.White,2004: Growing
Tomić,F.,T.Krička, S.Matić,S., 2008: Raspolo-fuel: a sutainability assessment of willow bio

žive poljoprivredne površine i mogućnosti šuma mass crops. Ecol. Environ. 2 (8):411–418.

za proizvodnju biogoriva u Hrvatskoj. Šum. list

Zenone,T., M.Migliavacca, L.Montagnani,
7–8: 323–330.

G.Seufert, R. Valentini,2008: Carbon Se

Türk,A.i sur,2006: “Needs and challenges in imple-questration in Short Rotation Forestry andTradimenting
key directives – EU EmissionsTrading tional Poplar Plantations. FAO, International
Directive (2003/87/EC)”, Bioenergy NoE; 15. Poplar Commission, Poplars,Willows and Peoprosinac
2006. ple’s Wellbeing, 23rd Session, Beijing, China,

27–30 October 2008, 226p.

Verwijst,T.,2003: Short rotation crops in the world.

U: Nicholas, I. D. (ur.) IEA Bioenergy Task 30

AEO –Annual Energy Outlook ETS – EmissionTrading Scheme
CDM – Clean Development Mechanism JI – Joint Implementation
CER – Certified Emission Reduction KGT– Kratkoročni granični troškovi
DGT– Dugoročni granični troškovi KKO – Kulture kratkih ophodnji
ERU – Emission Reduction Unit

SUMMARY: A rising share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy
balance is one of the strategic goals of a growing number of countries. By
signing international agreements (e.g. the Kyoto Protocol), and in accordance
with the legislature and accession to the EU, Croatia undertook the obligation
to make concrete steps and increase the use of renewable energy sources, as
stated by the paradigm “sustainable development”. In Croatia, biomass is a
renewable energy source with the greatest potential.

The goal of this work is to explore the impact of the European Emission
Trading Scheme (EU ETS Scheme) and flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol
– the Joint Implementation Mechanism, JI, and the Clean Development
Mechanism, CDM, – on the competitiveness of biomass energy production.
Compared to fossil fuels, the advantage of biomass is that energy from biomass
combustion is considered CO2free technology, since biomass sequesters
CO2as part of photosynthesis.

The EU ETS restricts emission amounts at the national level and at the
level of single installation. Every industrial operator is allocated a certain
amount of emission allowances. In order to satisfy their needs, the operators
may trade with their allowances and purchase emission allowances on the
market. The JI and CDM projects represent flexible Kyoto mechanisms which
allow investment in emissions reduction outside the investing country. The
amount of emissions reduced in such projects is used to satisfy the allowances
of the investing countries, while the price of CO2emissions per ton is determined
by the market. An allocated amount of emissions which an installation or
a country may emit increases the competitiveness of low-carbon technologies.

Forest management and exploatation produces large quantities of forest
biomass, which can be used for energy production. Biomass can additionally
be generated by the establishment of bioenergy plantations and biomass production
in short rotation crops (SRC) of forest tree species.