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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2009 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

I. Seletković, N. Potočić,A. Jazbec, T. Ćosić, T. Jakovljević: UTJECAJ RAZLIČITIH SJETVENIH SUPSTRATA... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIII (2009), 469-481

Walker, R.F., C. D.Huntt,1999: Growth and Nu-Fertilization.Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitatrition
of Containerized Singleleaf Pinyon See-tion, 13 :123–132.

dlings in Response to Controlled Release

SUMMARY: In this paper the results of the experiment testing the influence
of various growing substrates (Lithuanian peat, Humofin substrate, Stender
A400 substrate) and slow-release fertilizers (Osmocote Exact Standard 5-6 M
and 12-14 M)on the growth and physiological parameters of Common beech
(Fagus sylvaticaL.) seedlings in a nursery and in the field conditions following
planting. The trial was set up in the nursery of the Forest Research Institute
Jastrebarsko, as a randomized block with eight treatments and four
repetitions. Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium,
magnesium and chlorophyll were determined in the leaves of seedlings. Seedling
heights, root collar diameters, and biomass of leaves, stems and roots
were measured at the end of the first vegetation season. Seedlings were then
moved to the nearby beech forest area where rejuvenation by planting of
beech seedlings following the final cut was planned. After two years the
heights and root collar diameters of planted seedlings were measured. Fertilization
with Osmocote Exact had a positive influence on the concentrations of
mineral nutrients and pigments in leaves, and growth of seedlings. Out of
three tested substrates, Lithuanian peat was the most appropriate for growing
beech seedlings. In control treatment, Stender substrate was the best since it
comes with some mineral fertilizer already added. The differences in growth
dynamics among seedlings treated with different fertilizers can be of great importance
regarding the influence of weeds after planting.

Key words:Common beech, Osmocote Exact Standard, height and root
collar diameter, biomass, photosynthetic pigments, nutrient status