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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2009 str. 2 <-- 2 --> PDF |
RIJEČ GLAVNOGA UREDNIKA O ORGANIZACIJSKOM STRUKTURIRANJU HRVATSKIH ŠUMAd.o.o. Tijek života mijenja se pa je došlo vrijeme da se o šumarstvu i posredno o preradi drva raspravi malo više i sa stajališta ekonomike.Taj posao je povjeren Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu koji je to temeljito i korektno obavio. Uloga šumarstva je dvojaka, šumu je potrebno očuvati u stanju kako bi održala blagotvorne funkcionalne utjecaje u biosferi, a istovremeno ispunila čovjekovu potrebu za najplemenitijom sirovinom koju pruža živa priroda, za drvom. Šumarska struka udružena preko 160 godina u Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo, uspjela je tu osjetljivu bilancu uz uspone i padove održati, mi vjerujemo zauvijek. Hrvatska ima danas preko 90 % prirodnih šuma, što nas razlikuje od većine europskih zemalja, jer uspješno obavljamo obje uloge. Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo sudjelovalo je u raspravi o strukturiranju uz posebnu raspravu u svojemu Upravnom odboru. Na tome skupu na kojemu nazoče predstavnici hrvatske šumarske prakse i znanosti, naglašeni su temeljni stavovi kao osnovni elementi građe budućega života struke. Naš najveći šumarski poklon svijetu – potrajnost gospodarenja, kojega bi prema zaključcima u Rio de Janeiru 1992. trebalo provesti kao održivi razvoj u svim područjima života, potrebno je i u nas dalje usavršavati.To se posebno odnosi na trajno održavanje općekorisnih funkcija koje svakim danom postaje sve veće bogatstvo. Zbog sanacije šuma oštećenih utjecajem čovjeka, našem kontinentalnom, a posebice sredozemnom šumarstvu, porebno je i dalje plaćati naknadu za OKFŠ. U šumarstvu je i dalje potrebno održavati infrastrukturu – šumske prometnice, lugarnice, lovačke kuće, sindikalna odmarališta i dr. Rad u šumarstvu je vrlo naporan za sve kadrove i zahtijeva skloništa i prostore za odmor te pokraj toliko ekološki podobnog građevinskog materijala nikako ne možemo biti beskućnici. Izbor kadrova u šumarstvu potrebno je prepustiti odluci struke. Političke odluke su fatalne u kadroviranju i mahom služe profitu lobija drugih struka (kanal Dunav – Sava i drugi zahvati koji na štetu šume mijenjaju vodne prilike, trajni nasadi u Sredozemlju i dr.). Iskusni i dobri kadrovi trebali bi ići u pravilu u vrh struke (Ministarstvo, Direkcija) dok se mlađi dobri kadrovi dokazuju u upravama šuma i šumarijama uz potrebnu decentralizaciju, čemu se odupiremo gotovo 20 godina. Šumarstvo bi se trebalo nalaziti u ministarstvu zajedno sa zaštitom prirode i Državnom upravom za vode, ministar bi obavezno trebao biti šumar, a s nacionalnim parkovima i parkovima prirode u kojemu je osnovni fenomen šuma trebale bi rukovoditi Hrvatske šume d.o.o. (što bi značajno smanjilo troškove Države), čiji su kadrovi kroz povijest dokazali da znaju čuvati prirodu. Prof. em. dr. sc. Branimir Prpić A WORD FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ON THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY “HRVATSKE ŠUME” Ltd Changing trends of life are forcing us to increasingly view forestry, and indirectly timber processing, from the aspectof economics. The Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, which has been entrusted with the task, has accomplished the jobwith utmost professionalism and meticulousness. The role of forestry is twofold: on the one hand forests must be preserved in their proper condition so that they couldprovide beneficial functions in the biosphere, and on the other, they must fulfill human demand for timber, the noblestof the raw materials that exist in the living nature. For over 160 years, the forestry profession has strived, with ups and downs, to retain this sensitive balance throughits NGO, Croatian Forestry Association. We like to believe that we have successfully accomplished this mission for generations to come. Today, Croatia has over 90 % of natural forests that fulfill both roles mentioned above, which differentiates us from the majority of European countries. The Croatian Forestry Association has participated in the debateon the restructuring organized by the Faculty of Economics, and has also held a separate discussion at their ManagingBoard. At the former gathering, which was attended by representatives of the Croatian forestry practice and science, some basic postulates were enhanced as the key elements of the future structure of the profession. The greatest gift of Croatian forestry to the world – sustainable management – should be further improved and developed. According to the conclusions of the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Conference, sustainable development should be transposed to all fields of life. This refers particularly to sustainable conservation of all non-timber functions that are rapidly becoming our greatest wealth. We should continue to pay non-timber forest function fees for the purpose of restoring our continental and Mediterranean forests damaged by anthropogenic impacts. We should continue with the maintenance of forest infrastructure – forest roads, forest keepers’ cabins, hunting lodges, trade union resorts and others. Working conditions in forestry are extremely hard, so shelters, resting places andother amenities must be provided for forestry workers. Great quantities of ecologically suitable building material areideal for meeting these requirements. The choice of forestry cadres should be left to the forestry profession itself. Political decisions in this field can befatal, since these decisions are largely influenced by interests and profits of other professions (e.g. the Danube – Savacanal and other operations that alter water conditions at the detriment of forests, permanent cultures in theMediterranean, etc.). Experienced and reputed cadres should be promoted to the top of the profession (Ministry, Direction), while younger professionals should prove themselves in forest administrations and offices. Although we haveresisted decentralization of the forestry organization for almost 20 years, it is a sine qua non for progress. Forestry should be within the Ministry together with forest protection and state administration for water management. The minister should definitely be a forestry professional, while national parks and nature parks that feature forestsas the basic phenomena should be managed by the company “Hrvatske Šume” Ltd, whose professionals have proventime and again that they know how to conserve nature. In addition, this would save considerable means for the State. Professor Emeritus Branimir Prpić, Ph.D. Nas lov nastra ni ca–Front pa ge: Boje jeseni, rekreacijska zona Sv. Katarina ponad Rijeke – Autumn Shades, Recreational Zone of St. Catherine above Rijeka (Fo to–Pho to:Alojzije Frković) Na kla da1850pri mje ra ka |