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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2009 str. 63     <-- 63 -->        PDF

M. Bobinac, S.Andrašev: UČINCI UZGOJNIH MJERA U DEVITALIZIRANOJ SREDNJEDOBNOJ ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIII (2009), 513-526

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SUMMARY: Past experience has shown that the application of silcivultural measures to
pedunculate oak stands of lessened functional capacity is met with severe restrictions for the
achievement of the desired results and goals. This work analyzes the effects of different silcivultural
measures in comparative permanent sample plots (P.P. -1 and P.P. -2), undertaken
with the purpose of tending the stands and improving the consequences of devitalisation.

Research was undertaken in an artificially established monoculture of pedunculate oak
in Vojvodina (.n=45° 49’, .e=18° 39’). The altitude is 88 m, and the soil is chernozem
non-carbonate, with the depth of the humus accumulative horizon of about 40–50 cm.
Mean annual air temperature is 10.9 °C, and mean annual rainfall is 584 mm.

During the dormant vegetation season, two cross-section diameters were measured
with an accuracy of 1 mm on all trees aged 42 and 52. All the marked trees were also
measured when they reached the age of 48.

A silvicultural-salvage cut of moderate to heavy intensity was performed in P.P. 1 at
the age of 42 and 48. A total of 128 future trees (FT) per hectare were selected in P.P.-1 at