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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2009 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

V. Farkaš, T. Gomerčić, M. Sindičić, V. Slijepčević, Đ. Huber, A. Frković, S. Modrić: KRANIOMETRIJSKA... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIII (2009), 527-537

studied, out of which 13 (38,24 %) belonged to female animals, 20 (58,83 %) to
males, while sex was not identified for one (2,93 %) skull. All skulls belonged to
adult animals, with the average age of 8,4 years (range 3 to 20 years). A total of
49 measurements were taken on each skull with the 0,1 mm precision, so totally
829 craniometrical measurements have been statistically analyzed. Statistically
significant difference between the sexes has been observed in 42 (85,72 %) craniometrical
measurements, while for totally 16 (32,65 %) measurements it has
been observed that males are absolutely bigger than the female bears (meaning
that the smallest males were bigger than the biggest females). For those 16
measures we have defined border values that could help in sex determination.
Correlation and equation of regression were calculated for total length of
skull and zygomatic breadth. Corelation was r = 0,7961 for male bears and
r = 0,6812 for females, while equaton of regression for calculation of zygomatic
width using total skull length was: for males - zygomatic width = 0,8365
total skull length - 79,105; for females – zygomatic width = 0,6867 total skull
length - 31,247. In comparison of skull features of bears from Croatia with the
ones from Slovakia we have found that male bears were almost the same while
Croatian females were smaller. Bears in Croatia were smaller than the ones in
Romania but the differences among males were smaller, while the females
were significantly larger in Romania.

Key words:brown bear, Ursus arctos, craniometry, sex dimorphism,
skull, Croatia