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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 10 <-- 10 --> PDF |
M. Čater, P. Simončič: PHOTOSYNTHETIC RESPONSE OF YOUNG BEECH (Fagus Sylvatica L.) ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 569-576 Table 3 Differences in leaf nitrogen between categories on plots (AVAR and post hoc LSD analysis): 1- shelter; 2 - edge; 3 - open light conditions; NS… non-significant differences Tablica 3.Razlike u sadržaju dušika u lišću izmedju različitih kategorija na plohama (AVAR i post hoc LSD analiza): 1- zastor; 2 - rub; 3 - otvoreno; NS… nesignifikantne razlike df (2, 21) Plot Ploha F p LSD Brička 37.173 0.000 1-2 p=0.0021 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0001 Kladje 93.225 0.000 1-2 p=0.0000 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0000 Vrhovo 70.205 0.000 1-2 p=0.0000 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0001 Sn. Jama 68.914 0.000 1-2 p=0.0000 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.7419 NS Rajhenav 88.634 0.000 1-2 p=0.0000 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.7419 NS Differences between canopy, edge and open area responses were confirmed with high significance on all plots (Table 5) except in Rajhenav (virgin forest), where no differences between canopy and edge area conditions (df ; F=0.13; NS) were confirmed. 1,14 The response to maximum light in gap conditions between Snežna jama and Rajhenav showed also no differences. Assimilation responses to light were higher in all categories in the virgin forest. The calculated light compensation point (LCP) for edge and gap conditions in Rajhenav and Snežna jama were practically the same 2 (20µmol/ms), values on other plots followed maximal assimilation rates, respectively (data not shown). The assimilation response of young beech between the two forest complexes was also significantly different between canopy (df ; F=285.99***), edge (df ; 1,30 1,30 F=171.68***) and gap conditions (df ; F=93.30***). 1,30 Table 4 Average values of maximum assimilation rates (A ) (means ± SE, n=24) max Tablica 4.Prosječne vrijednosti maksimalne asimilacije (Amax) (sredine ± SE, n=24) Table 5 Differences in maximum assimilation rates (A ) max on plots (AVAR and post hoc LSD analysis): 1- shelter; 2 - edge; 3 - open light conditions; NS… non significant differences Tablica 5.Razlike u maksimalnoj asimilaciji (Amax) na plohama (AVAR i post hoc LSD analiza): 1- zastor; 2 - rub; 3 - otvoreno; NS… nesignifikantne razlike df (2, 21) Plot Ploha F p LSD Brička 58.681 0.000 1-2p=0.0000 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0001 Kladje 28.804 0.000 1-2 p=0.0002 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0049 Vrhovo 442.675 0.000 1-2 p=0.0000 1-3p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0000 Sn. Jama 75.266 0.000 1-2 p=0.0000 1-3 p=0.0000 2-3 p=0.0000 Rajhenav 12.495 0.000 1-2 p=0.6002 NS 1-3p=0.0002 2-3 p=0.0006 Maximum assimilation values forA-Ci curves (A max ) (Table 6) showed similar reaction of trees as in the case of maximum assimilation values measured for the light curves (A ) (Table 4). A-Ci max The response of young beech was greatest in the category of canopy gap and lowest under shelter on all plots.The highest response to increased CO concentra 2 tion was evident atVrhovo, followed by plots on Pohorje (Brička and Kladje) and lowest in Kočevski Rog (Rajhenav, Snežna jama). Comparison of the calculated compensation point for CO between light catego 2 ries showed no significant differences (data not shown). Differences between forest complexes were statistically different in all categories: canopy (df ; 1,30 F=6.47**), edge (df ; F=13.17**) and gap conditions 1,30 (df ; F=33.41***). 1,30 Table 6 Maximum assimilation values for A-Ci curves (A ); (means ± SE, n=24 trees). max A-Ci Tablica 6.Maksimalna asimilacija (Amax A-Ci); (sredine ± SE, n=24 stabla). Amax (µmol /m 2 s) Canopy Zastor Edge Rub Gap Otvoreno Brička 7.3±0.4 9.8±0.8 11.9±1.1 Kladje 8.3±0.3 9.7±0.5 10.7±0.9 Vrhovo 6.1±0.4 9.3±0.4 13.2±0.6 Snežna jama 4.8±0.4 6.5±0.5 8.0±0.7 Rajhenav 7.1±0.3 7.2±0.5 8.2±0.6 Amax A-Ci (µmol /m 2 s) Canopy Zastor Edge Rub Gap Otvoreno Brička 6.1±0.7 7.7±0.6 12.3±0.5 Kladje 8.8±0.6 9.6±0.5 10.4±0.6 Vrhovo 5.4±0.4 7.1±0.8 13.4±1.0 Snežna jama 3.4±0.4 5.4±0.4 9.4±0.6 Rajhenav 7.8±0.4 8.3±0.6 9.7±0.6 |