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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 11 <-- 11 --> PDF |
M. Čater, P. Simončič: PHOTOSYNTHETIC RESPONSE OF YOUNG BEECH (Fagus Sylvatica L.) ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 569-576 In the Kočevski Rog area, differences among the tree ged one (at Snezna jama).Assimilation rates were higlight categories are smaller in the virgin forest where no hest in all categories in virgin forests, despite the comdifferences in response between canopy and edge were parable amount of nitrogen in leaves on the two plots. confirmed (Post hoc LSD, p=0.0969) than in the mana- DISCUSSIONAND CONCLUSIONS – Rasprava i zaključci Sensitivity of photosynthesis is similar for all C 3 plants and is in proportion with mesophyll CO concen 2 tration (Farquhar etal. 1980). Many studies indicate that trees have higher mesophyll resistance for CO, 2 consequently lower photosynthesis and are therefore more susceptible to the increase of atmospheric CO 2 concentration. In the view of climatic changes numerous and often contradictory conclusions are being presented about the response of plants and future development of tree adaptation to environmental changes, especially due to temperature increase (Körner, 2006), decrease in amount of precipitation and changes in water supply (Davies 2006) and increase of atmospheric CO con 2 centration (Ziska andBunce2006). Light, nutrients, water and CO are abiotic parame 2 ters, necessary for the plant growth. Efficiency and photosynthetic regulation are governed by ribulose-1,5 biphosphat carboxylase (rubisco), which is genetically defined (Cheng etal. 1998). In general, by higher atmospheric CO; protein synthesis in leaves increases, 2 stomatal aperture decreases, water use-efficiency and C/N relation on the leaf level are increased, while on the whole plant level growth is stimulated (Kimball 1993, Ghannoum et al. 2000). By the increased amount of CO photosynthesis per 2 unit of the leaf area would increase, which is dependent on the nitrogen supply. Respiration and root activities would also increase, while biomass would be allocated into roots (sweet chestnut) or increased proportionally over whole plant (beech), which indicates a species- specific response (Kohen etal. 1993). In spite of relatively good insight into processes of carbon dynamics on the leaf level in changed CO en 2 vironment it is difficult to make a prognosis of future response of the whole plant also because of a short- time interval of observations and numerous possible interactions that haven’t been recognized yet (Increased WUE might stimulate development of foliar fungi (Thompson andDrake1994) while more sugars in assimilation apparatus might stimulate the development of pathogens and infections (Hibberd et al. 1996) etc.). Recent research quote up to 30 % increase of growth in ambient with two times higher CO envi 2 ronment (Medylin etal. 2001).Asmaller probability that such increase would reflect in long term growth in assimilation was confirmed by Batič 2007, where growth only increased at the beginning, and was later reduced in time. Our analysis conirmed the differences in response between beech under shelter, at the forest edge and in the open. In spite of these differences, the highest assimilation rates were measured on the research plots of Pohorje complex and lowest on the plots of Kočevski Rog. Results also indicate a different response of young beech between managed forest (Snežna jama) and virgin forest (Rajhenav); differences between light categories were more pronounced in the managed forest, while in virgin forest response to same light conditions was more intense than in managed forest. Photosynthetic yield in all categories was higher in virgin forest. Light compensation point was higher on plots of Pohorje complex compared to plots in Kočevski Rog (data not shown). Water use efficiency (WUE) was in all cases highest under shelter and lowest in open conditions, similar to photosynthetic nitrogen use-efficiency (PNUE). Self shading and nitrogen redistribution within whole plant could potentially underlie the degree of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO (Takeu 2 chi et al. 2001); it is clear that interactions with other potential environmental variables (light, nutrients) will determine the regulation of carbon sources and sinks at the leaf level (Lewis etal. 2002), but the ability to utilize the knowledge and predict a whole plant response is still limited and subject of controversy (Poorter 1998, LloydandFarquhar1996). There were no significant differences in the content of leaf nitrogen between plots. Leaf nitrogen values were on all plots (expressed in units per leaf area) highest in open conditions, without shading. Response of young beech to different CO concentrations was simi 2 lar to response of young beech to different light intensity; differences between managed and virgin forest were even bigger under canopy and edge conditions. In Kočevski Rog young beech is more shade tolerant, relative response to increased light intensity and different CO concentration is higher than response of young 2 beech in Pohorje within same light intensities. Responses in managed and virgin forest are different: in the virgin forest young beech trees are more shade-tolerant, reaction of different light categories to elevated CO concentration is similar and more homogenous, compared to managed forest where differences between cate gories are more pronounced. Kočevje region (Snežna jama and Rajhenav) is well known for its forest manage |