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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

M. Čater, P. Simončič: PHOTOSYNTHETIC RESPONSE OF YOUNG BEECH (Fagus Sylvatica L.) ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 569-576

ment, with a long tradition of a sustainable and close-tonature
approach, with a single-tree selection method
(Diaci 2006). In contrast, in the Pohorje complex, with
potential beech sites, Norway spruce has been favored in
the last century and nowadays beech is gradually replacing
spruce either by underplanting or by natural regeneration
(Diaci 2006). In case of the response in
young beech trees, differences in assimilation rate may
reflect not only the different forest management history,
but also a different genetic background.


Autors wish to thank dr. Nenad Potočić, from Šumarski
Institut Jastrebarsko, Croatia, forconstructive
suggestions on the manuscript text and revision of titles
and abstract in Croatian language.The article is a result
of the “L4-6232; Carbon dynamic in natural beech forest”
project, financed by the Slovenian Research
Agency and Programme research group.

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