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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 31 <-- 31 --> PDF |
S.Andrašev, M. Bobinac, S. Orlović: DIAMETER STRUCTURE MODELS OF BLACK POPLAR SELECTED ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 589-603 The clones were differentiated by mean diameter in the fifth year after planting and it lasted to the end of the study period of 20 years. The clone differentiation per attained basal areas per hectare (G), which indicates indirectly the differences in volume per hectare, also, occurs in the fifth year and lasts through the eighth year (Table 3, Diagram 1b). At the age of 12, the values of basal area per hectare were 2 -1 very close for all six study clones (24.2–26.3 m·ha ) with F-ratio of the analysis of variance amounting to only 0.53.With the increasing plantation age, the differences between clones in basal areas per hectare incre ase and at the age of 20, the differences were significant at the risk level of 0.05. 2 -1 a)Stand quadratic mean diameter d(cm) b)Basal area per hectare, G (m·ha) g Srednji promjer po temeljnici dg(cm) Temeljnica po hektaru G (m2·ha-1) Diagram 1 Mean values of the stand quadratic mean diameter (dg) and total basal area per hectare (G) of the clones depending on plantation age. Grafikon 1. Srednje vrijednosti prsnog promjera po temeljnici (dg) i ukupne temeljnice po hektaru (G) istraživanih klonova u zavisnosti od starosti nasada Table 3 Basal area per hectare (G) and the results of the analysis of variance test and LSD test at the risk level of 0.05 for the clones per years of measurement. Tablica 3.Temeljnica po hektaru (G) ) i rezultati testa analize varijance i testa NZR na razini rizika od 0,05 istraživanih klonova po godinama izmjere. Clone Klon Plantation age after planting –Starost nasada nakon sadnje 1 year 1. god. 2 years 2. god. 5 years 5. god. 8 years 8. god. 12 years 12.god. 17 years 17. god. 20 years 20. god. Gg [m2 ·ha-1] S6-36 0.27(0.02) 1 bc 2 1.31 (0.11) a 9.10 (0.73) b 16.83(0.55) bc 24.34 (1.01) a 33.67(1.22)abc37.63 (1.42) bc NS1.3 0.32 (0.03) ab 1.24 (0.11) a 10.47 (0.99) a 18.69(2.32) ab 24.19 (3.17) a 31.56(4.32) bc 36.13 (5.42) bc NS11-8 0.24 (0.06) b 1.22 (0.17) a 9.35 (1.13) ab 18.12(1.65) ab 25.70 (2.40) a 35.10(2.90) ab 40.31 (2.92) ab Pannonia 0.27 (0.01) bc 1.33 (0.12) a 7.62 (0.69) c 15.67 (0.80) c 24.32 (1.15) a 34.23(1.62)abc38.29 (2.42) bc PE19/66 0.34 (0.06) a 1.48 (0.14) a 10.57 (0.12) a 19.12 (1.05) a 26.30 (1.64) a 37.09 (3.08) a 44.70 (4.36) a S6-7 0.28 (0.01) ab 1.46 (0.05) a 10.34 (1.32) ab17.99 (1.77) ab 24.61 (3.74) a 30.14 (4.09) c 34.32 (4.11) c F 2.15ns 1.85ns 5.54** 2.94* 0.53ns 2.59ns 3.85* 1 Values in parentheses represent the standard deviation –Vrijednosti u zagradi predstavljaju standardnu devijaciju. 2 The same letters indicate that there is no statistically significant differences between the clones tested by least significant differences at the risk level of 0.05 – Ista slova znače da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između klonova po testu najmanje značajne razlike na razini rizika od 0,05. ns* ** non significant –nije signfikantno; significant at the risk level of 0,05 –signfikantno na razini rizika od 0,05; significant *** at the risk level of 0,01 –signfikantno na razini rizika od 0,01; significant at the risk level of 0,001 –signfikantno na razini rizika od 0,001. |