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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 32 <-- 32 --> PDF |
S.Andrašev, M. Bobinac, S. Orlović: DIAMETER STRUCTURE MODELS OF BLACK POPLAR SELECTED ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 589-603 Test results of the analysis of variance of repeated measurements showed a high (G) and very high (dg) significant interactions clone×year which indicates that the investigated clones had different increments of the quadratic mean diameterand total basal area per hectare in the study period (Table 4, Diagram 1). Throughout the period of 20 years, the clone PE 19/66 attained the best results both in stand quadratic mean diameter (dg), and in total basal area per hectare (G) and it is differentiated from the other clones by LSD test at the 5%risk level. Clone Pannonia attained the lowest sizes of the stand quadratic mean diameter and the total basal area per hectare in the period to the eighth year. In further development, its increment was more intensive compared to other clones and at the age of 20 years, its mean diameter and total basal area per hectare were greater compared to the clones S , NS and S . 6-7 1-3 6-36 The growth of clone NS was also more intensive 11-8 with the increased age. Table 4 Test results of the analysis of variance of repeated measurements ofthe quadratic mean diameter and total basal area per hectare. Tablica 4.Rezultati testa analize varijance ponovljenih mjerenja srednjeg promjera po temeljnici i ukupne temeljnice po hektaru. Sum of Square Degr. of Freed. Mean Square F p Stand quadratic mean diameter - d g [cm]– Srednji promjer po temeljnici - dg[cm] Intercept 77431.36 1 77431.36 17478.1 0 Clone 147.31 5 29.46 6.65 0.00114 Error 79.74 18 4.43 Year 23945.81 6 3990.97 8612.37 0 Clone ×Year 120.13 30 4.00 8.64 0 Error 50.05 108 0.46 Basal area per hectare – G [m 2 ·ha -1 ]– Temeljnica po hektaru – G [m2·ha-1] Intercept 50759.86 1 50759.86 1461.36 0 Clone 134.79 5 26.96 0.77614 0.57951 Error 625.22 18 34.73 Year 30971.14 6 5161.86 1267.97 0 Clone ×Year 240.87 30 8.03 1.97228 0.00602 Error 439.66 108 4.07 4.2. Diameter structure models obtained by the weibull distribution Modeli debljinske strukture dobiveni weibull-ovom distribucijom 4.2.1. Location parameters (a) of the Weibull diameter structure model Definiranje parametara položaja (a) modela Weibull-ove debljinske strukture Table 5 presents the percentile minimum diameter son-Darling statistics of studied clones in certain years of with a minimum value of Anderson-Darling statistics surveying. Diagram 2 shows the percentage of the per 2 (A), and mean values and standard deviations ofAnder-centiles of minimal diameter for the definition of location 2 Table 5 Percentile values of the minimum diameter (%d ) that have the least value ofAnderson-Darling (A) statistic of min examined clones by years of survey. Tablica 5.Vrijednost percentila minimalnog promjera (%dmin) koji imaju najmanju vrijednost Anderson-Darling statistikue (A2) istraživanih klonova po godinama izmjere. Clone Klon %d min A 2 1 Age of the plantation after planting Starost nasada nakon sadnje Age of the plantation after planting Starost nasada nakon sadnje 1. 2. 5. 8. 12. 17. 20. 1. 2. 5. 8. 12. 17. 20. S 6-36 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.33(0,15) 2 0.60 (0,06)0.66 (0,21) 0.67 (0,12) 0.49 (0,29) 0.28 (0,10) 0.31 (0,16) NS 1.3 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.75 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.36 (0,17) 0.26 (0,03)0.71 (0,26) 0.46 (0,23) 0.59 (0,21) 0.37 (0,17) 0.51 (0,39) NS 11-8 0.60 0.55 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.71 (0,25) 0.43 (0,27)0.51 (0,10) 0.46 (0,11) 0.43 (0,19) 0.45 (0,10) 0.38 (0,04) Pannonia 0.10 0.45 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.80 0.75 0.56 (0,28) 0.50 (0,26)0.43 (0,14) 0.56 (0,27) 0.59 (0,31) 0.20 (0,03) 0.21 (0,03) PE19/66 0.80 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.60 0.23 (0,06) 0.36 (0,04)0.60 (0,21) 0.39 (0,27) 0.36 (0,13) 0.36 (0,09) 0.28 (0,08) S 6-7 0.45 0,70 0.95 0.80 0.75 0.60 0.60 0.23 (0,06) 0.29 (0,01) 0.55 (0,11) 0.57 (0,29) 0.55 (0,37) 0.55 (0,41) 0.40 (0,24) 1 mean values ofAnderson-Darling statistic– srednje vrijednosti Anderson-Darling statistike. 2 Values in parentheses represent the standard deviation –Vrijednosti u zagradi predstavljaju standardnu devijaciju. 594 |