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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF


4.2.2. Comparison of parameters of diameter structure model between clones

Usporedba parametara modela debljinske strukture između klonova

Depending on plantation age, the results of the analy-structure model showed the decreasing trend and the misis
of variance test showed mostly significant differen-nimal value occurred in the eighth year, and the predoces
between the parameters of Weibull diameter minantly increasing trend started in the twelfth year. In
structure model (Tables 6, 7 and 8). In the initial period, the eighth year, there were no significant differences
F-ratio of all three parameters of theWeibull diameter between parameter “c”of the diameter structure mo del,

Table 6
Mean values of location parameter (a) of theWeibull diameter structure model and the results of the analysis
of variance test and LSD test at the risk level of 0.05 of study clones per years of measurement.

Tablica 6.Srednje vrijednosti parametra položaja (a) modela Weibull-ove distribucije prsnih promjera i rezultati testa
analize varijance i testa NZR na razini rizika od 0,05 istraživanih klonova po godinama izmjere.

Plantation age after planting -Starost nasada nakon sadnje
1 year
1. god.
2 years
2. god.
5 years
5. god.
8 years
8. god.
12 years
17 years
17. god.
20 years
20. god.
S6-36 1,67 (0.09)
4,65 (0.30) a 12,75 (0.69) b 17,42 (0.85) b 22,72 (0.86) a 26,56 (0.98) a 27,98 (1.12) a
NS1.3 2,23 (0.20) a 4,81 (0.43) a 13,18 (1.77) b 15,19 (2.48) c 14,62 (2.88) c 15,71 (2.36) c 13,9 (1.98) e
NS11-8 0,91 (0.18) c 2,54 (0.20) d 10,88 (0.75) c 16,4 (1.39) bc 18,4 (2.69) b 23,18 (3.74) b 24,63 (4.09) b
Pannonia 0,16 (0.01) d 2,10 (0.12) e 9,1 (0.57) d 17 (0.00) bc 22,5 (1.27) a 23,08 (1.31) b 22,29 (1.41) bc
PE19/66 2,09 (0.02) a 4,05 (0.15) b 15,98 (0.45) a 20,92 (0.45) a 24,75 (0.52) a 21,08 (0.76) b 19,59 (0.73) cd
S6-7 0,76 (0.05) c 3,46 (0.36) c 15,2 (1.10) a 16,6 (1.20) bc 17,62 (2.33) b 15,34 (2.17) c 16,41 (2.43) de
F 190.29*** 61.1*** 27.11*** 8.75*** 14.88*** 17.45*** 21.66***


Values in parentheses represent the standard deviation– Vrijednosti u zagradi predstavljaju standardnu devijaciju.


The same letters indicate that there is no statistically significant differences between the clones tested by least significant

differences at the risk level of 0.05– Ista slova znače da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između klonova po testu

najmanje značajne razlike na razini rizika od 0,05.

nsnon significant –nije signfikantno; * significant at the risk level of 0,05 –signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,05;
** significant at the risk level of 0,01 –signfikantno na razini rizika od 0,01; *** significant at the risk level of 0,001 –
signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,001.