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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 35 <-- 35 --> PDF |
S.Andrašev, M. Bobinac, S. Orlović: DIAMETER STRUCTURE MODELS OF BLACK POPLAR SELECTED ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 589-603 Plantation age affects the trend of parameters of the diameter structure model. In the initial period of plantation development (five years) there was a sharp increase in the location parameter (a), after which its trend changed depending on the clone. In the initial period, the increase in the scale parameter (b) of theWei- bull diameter structure model was lower and also the differences between the clones were lower. The increase in parameter “b” in the following period was considerably greater in the majority of the clones, but the clone S showed the trend of a very slow increase. 6-36 The differences between the study clones were the lowest in the shape parameter (c). Diagram 3 Changes in the mean values of the parameters of the Weibull diameter structure model depending on plantation age. Grafikon 3. Promjena srednjih veličina parametara modela debljinske strukture po Weibull-u u zavisnosti od starosti nasada 4.2.3. Construction of the Weibull diameter structure model Konstrukcija modela debljinske strukture po Weibull-ovoj distribuciji Diagram 4 presents the models of diameter structu-Aiming at the objective assessment of similarities res of the study clones per years.The Diagram shows and differences between the Weibull diameter structure the changes in the shape of diameter structure with models of poplar clones, the non-parametric Kolmogoadvancing age, as well as the differences between the rov-Smirnov test was applied at the plantation age of clones. It can be concluded that some clones had simi-17 and 20 years (Table 9). The test results showed silar models of diameter structure, especially in the pe-gnificant differences only between diameter structure riod after the age of 12, which indicates the possibility models of the clone PE 19/66 and the clones S , NS , 6-7 1-3 th of their grouping in the definition of management pro- S in the 17 year, and between the clone PE 19/66 6-36 th 6-7 1-3 6-36 cedures. and clones S , NS , S and Pannonia in the 20 year. Table 9 Value of |D| statistics by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the comparison of differences in the Weibull diameter th th structure models in the 17 and 20 year of poplar plantation age. Tablica 9.Vrijednosti |D| statistike po testu Kolmogorov-Smirnova i usporedba razlika modela debljinskih struktura po modelu Weibull-a u 17. i 20. godini starosti nasada istraživanih klonova topola. Clone –Klon 20 years –20. godina S 6-36 NS 1-3 NS 11-8 Pannonia PE 19/66 S 6-7 17 years S 6-36 -0.2039 ns 0.28 ns 0.1454 ns 0.6623 ** 0.18 ns NS 1-3 0.1993 ns -0.1925 ns 0.195 ns 0.5266 ** 0.1941 ns NS 11-8 0.2626 ns 0.1963 ns -0.1718 ns 0.3923 ns 0.35 ns 17. godina Pannonia 0.1771 ns 0.24 ns 0.1529 ns -0.5641 ** 0.2641 ns * * ns ns *** PE 19/66 0.5758 0.4972 0.3131 0.4661 -0.7144 S 6-7 0.2525 ns 0.1988 ns 0.3939 ns 0.3875 ns 0.6869 *** - nsnon significant– nije signifikantno; *significant at the risk level of 0,05– signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,05; **significant at the risk level of 0,01– signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,01; ***significant at the risk level of 0,001 –signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,001. |