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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 36 <-- 36 --> PDF |
S.Andrašev, M. Bobinac, S. Orlović: DIAMETER STRUCTURE MODELS OF BLACK POPLAR SELECTED ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 589-603 Diagram 4 Models of diameter structure of the study clones depending on plantation age. Grafikon 4. Modeli debljinske strukture istraživanih klonova u zavisnosti od starosti nasada. Table 10 Mean values of the percentage of the number of trees with diameters at breast height above 40 cm (N [%]) d>40cm and the results of the analysis of variance test and LSD test at the 5%risk level. Tablica 10.Srednje vrijednosti učešća broja stabala prsnih promjera većih od 40 cm (Nd>40cm[%]) i rezultati testa analize varijance i testa NZR na razini rizika od 5%. Age Clone –Klon S 6-36 NS 1-3 NS 11-8 Pannonia PE 19/66 S 6-7 F 1 Starost Nd>40cm [%] 17 years 0.0 c 2 1.4 bc 4.4 ab 0.4 bc 13.3 a 0.0 c 5.31 ** 20 years 1.0 d 11.3 bc 19.1 b 4.5 cd 50.0 a 0.8 d 12.1 *** 1 The comparison was preceded by the transformation arcsin aiming at the homogenisation of the variances (%Nd>40cm)1 –Usporedba je izvršena uz prethodnu transformaciju arcsin (%Nd>40cm)1u cilju homogenizacije varijanci. 2 The same letters indicate that there is no statistically significant differences between the clones tested by least significant differences at the risk level of 0.05 – Ista slova znače da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između klonova po testu naj manje značajne razlike na razini rizika od 0,05. ns* ** non significant –nije signifikantno; significant at the risk level of 0,05 –signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,05; signifi *** cant at the risk level of 0,01 –signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,01; significant at the risk level of 0,001 –signifikantno na razini rizika od 0,001. |