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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 45 <-- 45 --> PDF |
IZVORNI I ZNANSTVENI ČLANCI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 139-149 UDK 630* 682 (001) INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIPAND PROPERTY STRUCTURE ON WILLINGNESS OF PRIVATE FOREST OWNERS TO COOPERATE UTJECAJ VLASNIČKE I POSJEDOVNE STRUKTURE NASPREMNOST ŠUMOPOSJEDNIKANAPOVEZIVANJE 1 11 Špela PEZDEVŠEKMALOVRH, Lidija ZADNIK STIRN, Janez KRČ SUMMARY: Private forest management is, particularly in Slovenia, far from optimal. The reason lies in the diversity of ownership and property structure. In addition, Slovenian private forest owners are not adequately organized and associated to manage their forests. The willingness of private forest owners to cooperate was evaluated using the questionnaires. The sample (n=700) included equal shares of associated and non-associated owners. Forty-six percent of questionnaires were returned. The results of the survey analysis showed that 39.1 % of private forest owners were members of forestry associations (associated), 19.9 % owners showed willingness to cooperate i.e. to join a forestry association and 41.0 % of the sampled forest owners were unwilling to cooperate. Based on the data obtained through the survey we have studied the relationship between ownership and property conditions in regard to the willingness of forest owners to cooperate. The Chi-square test showed the statistical significance of the relationship between the size of forest property and the willingness of owners to cooperate. Further, the results of multivariate logistic regression showed that it is necessary to search for private forest owners who are willing to cooperate in the group of forest owners who are younger than 50 years, who own more than 10 ha of forest land and live in common household with the co-owners. Key words:private forests, forest owners’ cooperation, ownership and property conditions, statistical models, bivariate and multivariate analysis, logistic regression INTRODUCTION – Uvod The study of private forest management has special forest property (on average < 3 ha) and fragmentation (3 importance due to the prevailing share of privately-plots on average) (The Slovenian Forest Service,2005). owned forests in Europe. In Slovenia, for example, 73 % Private forest management is further hindered by constant of forests are privately owned. Private forest manage-processes in the society which are related to an increasing ment is, especially in Slovenia, far from optimal, which is number of owners due to partible inheritance and the di- a result of a diverse ownership and property structure. minishing sizes of forest property as well as a fall in the That diversity is displayed in a large number of owners percentage of rural population, which indirectly influen( around 314.000) and co-owners (around 489.000), small ces the socio-economic structure of the population (Pezdevšek Malovrh,2006). Consequently, economical 1 Asist. Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, Biotehniška fakulteta, dependence of people on forests is decreasing, which is Oddelek za gozdarstvo,Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, reflected in insufficient exploitation of natural resources 1 as only two thirds of the potential timber removal in Slo- Prof. dr. Lidija Zadnik-Stirn, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo,Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, venian private forests is implemented and less than half of silvicultural work according to forest management 1 Doc.dr. Janez Krč, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo, plans is carried out. (The Slovenian Forest Service Re Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, |