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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 47 <-- 47 --> PDF |
perty register of the Land Survey Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. For every forest owner we analysed the form of ownership based on their cadaster unit and plot number for all plot numbers together.Ownership was studied in three categories: firstly, one owner with no co-owners, secondly, several owners, living in the same household and thirdly, several owners living in dif ferent households (Medved, 2000). The general assumption was that owners living in common household, regardless of their number, have the same goals in forest management.The situation, however, differs where the co-owners live in different households; in these cases, the owners/co-owners does not generally share the needs and goals in forest management. METHODS – Metode Surveying forest owners – . . Statistical methods All collected data in our research was first analysed through the use of frequency distribution and crosstabulation. For the purpose of logistic regression, the analysed characteristics were then classified into two types of variables: the dependant variable and the independent variables. The dependant variable (response variable) Y Anketiranje šumoposjednika ( . – Statističke metode represents the object of our research – “willingness to cooperate” and hadthree values: associated, willing to cooperate and unwilling to cooperate;Yis thus a nominal variable.The independent variables (explanatory variables) X1, X2…, explainthe degree of willingness to cooperate. The independent variables comprise: owner’s age, |