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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, L. Zadnik Stirn, J. Krč: INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIPAND PROPERTY STRUCTURE ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 139-149

fragmentation of forest property. Forest holdings of
most respondents are divided into several separate lots,

4.3on the average. Such fragmentation is highly inconvenient
for management. In fact, only 28.7 % of the respondents
own undivided forest property, i.e. a forest
property on only one location, whereas forest property
Table 2. Average fragmentation of forest property

Tablica 2.Prosječni prostorno odvojeni kompleksi posjeda

of the other respondents is fragmented into two separate
parcels (16.6 % of the respondents), three separate lots

(12.1 %), four separate parcels (9.9 %) or more. The
average number of separate parcels of forest property
per stratum is given inTable 2. We can see that forest
property becomes more fragmented, the bigger it gets.
Stratum (ha) –Grupe (ha)
Up to 0.99
Do 0,99
1 to 4.99
1 do 4,99
5 to 9.99
5 do 9,99
10 to 29.99
10 do 29,99
Over 30
Više od 30
Average number of separate plots
Prosječni prostorno odvojeni kompleksi posjeda 1.3 3.0 4.8 5.3 5.4

In fact, most undivided forest properties are found
in the first stratum (72.2 %).The situation in this stratum
is, as can well be expected, a prevailing number of
undivided forest properties, generally too small to be
fragmented. Only 16.7 % of the respondents from the
first stratum own a forest property on two locations and
only 11.1 % own a forest holding on three locations.
The forest properties in the stratum of 1–4.99 ha already
tend to be more fragmented; on the average, they
are divided into three separate lots.Almost one third

(30.3 %) of the respondents from the second stratum
own an undivided forest property, 24.7 % own a forest
General data relating to ownership structure –

The analysis of the ownership situation was performed
on the sample of 308 respondents out of 322.This
was due to the non-identical records on some plot numbers
in different databases (Register on forest owners and
the Land Survey Institute of the Republic of Slovenia).

More than half of the respondents (59.4 %) are the
sole holders of their forest property (Table 3). As for the
rest, they have co-owners; 18.8 % of these respondents
share common household with their co-owners.The management
of a private forest property is simpler where
there is a sole holder or all joint owners share common
household (which is the case in 78.2 % of the respondents).
The rest of the respondents (21.8 %), do not share

Table 3. Structure of the respondents by ownership

property on two locations, while, surprisingly, as much
as 12.4 % of the respondents own a forest property on
more than six locations. Most fragmented forest properties
fall under the middle category of 5 – 9.99 ha; in
this stratum, only 8.9 % of forest properties are undivided.
In the stratum 10 –29,99 ha, on the one hand, the
share of undivided forest properties increases (27.8 %),
whereas, on the other, half of the respondents (50 %)
own a forest property on more than five locations.As
for the forest properties of over 30 ha, 31.5 % are undivided,
whereas 27.8 % are fragmented into more than
six separate plots.

Opći podaci o vlasništvu

common household with the other co-owners.The management
of such properties is more demanding as it involves
constant coordination of interests of the joint owners.

On the average, the respondents who entered a coowner
relationship have 8 co-owners. More than half of
these respondents (54.4 %) share their forest property
with one co-owner, 10.4 % with two co-owners, and one
particular forest property is shared by as many as 98 joint
owners. Based on thefrequency distribution of the number
of co-owners, to simplify the data processing, the respondents
were classified into three categories based on
the number of co-owners; the categories and the share of
respondents per category are given inTable 4.

Table 4 shows that 54.4 % of the

Tablica 3.Struktura anketiranih šumoposjednika prema obliku vlasništva

respondents who are in a co-owner

Form of ownership –Oblik vlasništvan%
Sole holder –Vlasnik18359.4
Joint owners – share common household
Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu5818.8
Joint owners – do not share common household
Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu6721.8

relationship share their forest property
with one co-owner, 23.2 %
with 2 to 5 joint owners and 22.4 %
with more than 5 joint owners.

Among the respondents who
live in common household with

Table 4.Structure of the respondents by number of co-owners
their co-owners, 84.5 % have only
Tablica 4.Struktura anketiranih po broju suvlastnikaone co-owner and 15.5 % between

Number of co-owners –Broj suvlasnikan%
1 co-owner– 1 suvlasnik5854.4
2 to 5 co-owners –2 do 5 suvlasnika2923.2
More than 5 co-owners –Više od 5 suvlasnika2822.4

2 to 5 co-owners.As for therespondents
who do not share common
household with their co-owners, the
situation is different. In this case,