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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 50 <-- 50 --> PDF |
Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, L. Zadnik Stirn, J. Krč: INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIPAND PROPERTYSTRUCTURE ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 139-149 2 the number of co-owners is higher, namely, there is a prevailing number of respondents who share their fo rest property with more than 5 co-owners (41.8 %), followed by the respondents with 2 to 5 co-owners, whereas the share of the respondents with one coowner is 28.4 %. 2 The . test showed that the independent variables form of ownership and number of co-owners are statisti- Results of bivariate analysis The joint distribution of the dependent variable degree of willingness to cooperate and each individual independent variable (size and fragmentation of forest property and form of ownership) was displayed 2 through the use of crosstabulation.Then, the . test was cally significantly correlated(. =44.993***, p=0.000). Due to a strong correlation of these two variables (r=0.973***) and a highVIF (VIF>5), in order to avoid s the multicollinearity in the nominal logistic regression model, the variable number of co-owners was later on eliminated from the nominal logistic regression model. – Rezultati bivariatne analize performed in order to test the statistical significance of relationship between each individual independent variable and the dependent variable willingness to cooperate. The impact was further investigated through the use of bivariate nominal logistic regression. Influence of forest property size on the willingness to cooperate Utjecaj veličine posjeda na spremnost za povezivanje Increasing the forest property size (from the smallest to the biggest), the number of the owners who do not cooperate nor are willing to do so in the future decreases (Table 5). Owners of forest properties bigger than 30 ha are the most keen to cooperate with other forest owners (60.3 % already cooperate). The willingness to cooperate is primarily expressed by the owners from stratum 10 to 29.99 ha (26.4 %) and stratum 5 to 9.99 ha (21.9 %).The least interest to cooperate is shown by the owners of the properties smaller than 0.99 ha; only 10.5 % of them cooperate with other forest owners and only 5.3 % expressed the willingness to do so. The stratums were then regrouped in two categories by forest property size, namely forest property of the area of up to 10 ha and those bigger than 10 ha, and the bivariate nominal logistic regression was performed. The correlation between the size of forest property and the willingness of the owners to cooperate with other forest owners proved to be highly statistically significant (p=0,000) when comparing the owners who cooperate with those who are unwilling to do so. The 2 owners with forest property smaller Table 5 Willingness to cooperate in relation to property size (. =58.734***) Tablica 5.Spremnost za povezivanje od zavisnosti od veličine posjeda than 10 ha have 0.207 times smaller (.2=58,734***) odds of “willingness to cooperate” Size of property (ha) Willingness to cooperate Spremnost za povezivanje Veličina posjeda (ha) Cooperates Povezani Willing Spremni Unwilling Nisu spremni Up to 0.99- Do 0.99 10.5 % 5.3 % 84,2 % 1 to 4.99- 1 do 4.99 21.1 % 15.6 % 63,3 % 5 to 9.99- 5 do 9.99 37.5 % 21.9 % 40,6 % 10 to 29.99- 10 do 29.99 50.5 % 26.4 % 23,1 % Over 30- Više od 30 60.3 % 19.0 % 20,7 % Total – Ukupno 39.1 % 19.9 % 41.0 % than for the owner of bigger forest property (95 % confidence interval (CI)is 0.120–0.355).The influence of the size of forest property proved to be highly statistically significant (p=0,000) also when comparing the owners who are willing to cooperate with th ose unwilling.The odds for »willingness to cooperate« with the owners of forest properties up to 10 ha is 0.294 times smaller than Table 6Dependence of willingness to cooperate on the size of forest property Tablica 6.Utjecaj veličine posjeda na spremnost za povezivanje BStd. ErrorWalddfSig.Exp(B) 95 % C.I. for EXP(B) LowerUpper Willingness of the owner to cooperate: Cooperates/Unwilling – Spremnost za povezivanje:Povezani/Nisu spremni Up to 10 ha –Do 10 ha-1.5770.27532.75710.0000.2070.1200.355 Over 10 ha –Više od 10 ha1.000 Willingness of the owner to cooperate:Willing/Unwilling – Spremnost za povezivanje:Spremni /Nisu spremni Up to 10 ha –Do 10 ha-1.2240.32514.17710.0000.2940.1560.556 Over 10 ha –Više od 10 ha1.000 Willingness of the owner to cooperate: Cooperates/Willing –Spremnost za povezivanje:Povezani/Spremni Up to 10 ha –Do 10 ha-0.3530.3091.30710.2530.7030.3841.287 Over 10 ha –Više od 10 ha1.000 |