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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, L. Zadnik Stirn, J. Krč: INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIPAND PROPERTY STRUCTURE ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 139-149

that of owners with forest properties bigger than 10 ha
(95 % CI is in this case 0.156–0.556).
Based on the results of the bivariate nominal logistic
regression we conclude that the owners who own more

that 10 ha of forest show more interest for co-operation
than the owners of smaller forest property (Table 6).

Influence of fragmentation on willingness to cooperate

Utjecaj usitnjenosti posjeda na spremnost za povezivanje

The independent variable fragmentation of the forest
holding was initially discrete with a large number
of values (1,2,3,....); for the purpose of crosstabulation,
however, it has been transformed into a categorial variable
and was assigned six categories.The crosstabulation
sho wed that the owners of more fragmented
forest properties tend to show greater interest for cooperation
(they more often cooperate and they are also
more willing to cooperate) than the owners of less fragmented
forest properties. In fact, the smallest interest
for co-operation was shown by the owners of undivided
forest properties (36.7 % of them cooperate, whe

reas 16.7 % are willing to do so) and among the owners
of forest properties on two locations 44.5 % cooperate
and only 9.6 % are willing to cooperate, (Table 7).


However, the . test showed that there is no statistically
ignificant relationship between the fragmentation
of forest property and the willingness to cooperate


(. =14.439, p=0.154).
Nevertheless, in spite of statistical insignificance of
this relationship the influence of fragmentation of forest
property on the willingness to cooperate was further
analysed through the use of bivariate nominal

Table 7 Fragmentation of forest property and willingness to cooperate


(. =14.439)

Tablica 7.Spremnost za povezivanje u zavisnosti od usitnjenosti poseda

Number of Willingness to cooperate /Spremnost za povezivanje
separate plots
Broj parcela
Nisu spremni
1 36.7 % 16.7 % 46.7 %
2 44.2 % 9.6 % 46.2 %
3 34.2 % 18.4 % 47.4 %
4 54.8 % 16.1 % 29.0 %
5 41.7 % 20.8 % 37.5 %
6 or more –Više od 6 35.4 % 30.4 % 34.2 %

logistic regression.The fragmentation
categories were regrouped so
that the variable only had two values:
undivided forest property and
fragmented forest property.The nominal
logistic regression confirmed


the results of the . test, showing a
statistically insignificant relationship
between fragmentation and the
willingness of the owner to cooperate.
Thus, the variable fragmentation
was not considered in the
multivariate nominal logistic regression

Influence of form of ownership on willingness to cooperate

Utjecaj oblika vlasništva na spremnost za povezivanje

The biggest interest for co-operation was shown by
the respondents who are joint owners of forest property
and share common household with their co-owners.

53.4 % of them already cooperate (Table 8). Further,
the biggest willingness for co-operation was expressed
by the sole holders (20.8 %).The respondents who are
joint owners and do not share common household with
their co-owners are the least keen on co-operation; only
31.3% cooperate and no more than 19.4 % are willing
to do so.

The . test showed that the willingness to cooperate is
not statistically significantly related to the form of


ownership (. =7.634, p=0.106). Nevertheless, the bivariate
nominal logistic regression was further investigated
(Table 9). The bivariate nominal logistic regression showed
that dependence/influence of the form of ownership


Table 8Willingness to cooperate per form of ownership (.=7.634)

Tablica 8.Spremnost za povezivanje prema obliku vlasništva(.2=7,634)

Form of ownership
Oblika vlasništva
Willingness to cooperate/Spremnost za povezivanje
Nisu spremni
Sole holder –Vlasnik37.2 %20.8 %42.1 %
Joint owners – share common household
Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu53.4 %17.2 %29.3 %
Joint owners – do not share common household
Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu31.3 %19.4 %49.3 %