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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 52 <-- 52 --> PDF |
Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, L. Zadnik Stirn, J. Krč: INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIPAND PROPERTYSTRUCTURE ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 139-149 on the willingness to cooperate is statistically significant rate” for joint owners who live in common household (p=0.010) only when comparing the respondents who with their co-owners is 2.866 times higher than of those are willing to cooperate with those unwilling under the who do not share common household with all their co consideration of the following two forms of ownership: owners (95 % CI is in such case 1.280–6.414). For all the the respondent is a joint owner and shares common houother combinations, the influence of the form of ownerssehold with his co-owners, and the respondent is a joint hip on the dependant variable proved to be statistically owner and does not share common household with all insignificant.The variable form of ownership was also co-owners. In fact, the odds of “willingness to coopeconsidered in the multivariate regression model later on. Table 9 Dependence of willingness to cooperate on the form of ownership Tablica 9.Utjecaj oblika vlasništva na spremnost za povezivanje B Std. Error Wald df Sig. Exp(B) 95 % CEXP(B) .I. for Lower Upper Willingness of the owner to cooperate: Cooperates/Unwilling – Spremnost za povezivanje:Povezani/Nisu spremni Sole holder –Vlasnik 0.341 0.325 1.098 1 0.295 1.406 0.743 2.660 Joint owners – share common household Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu 1.053 0.411 6.558 1 0.010 2.866 1.280 6.414 Joint owners – do not share common household Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu 1.000 Willingness of the owner to cooperate:Willing/Unwilling – Spremnost za povezivanje:Spremni/Nisu spremni Sole holder –Vlasnik 0.264 0.382 0.479 1 0.489 1.303 0.616 2.755 Joint owners – share common household Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu 0.401 0.516 0.604 1 0.437 1.493 0.543 4.104 Joint owners – do not share common household Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu 1.000 Willingness of the owner to cooperate:Cooperates/Willing–Spremnost za povezivanje:Povezani/Spremni Sole holder –Vlasnik -0.076 0.406 0.035 1 0.851 0.926 0.418 2.053 Joint owners – share common household Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu -0.652 0.507 1.655 1 0.198 0.521 0.193 1.407 Joint owners – do not share common household Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu 1.000 Multivariate logistic regression – Multivariatni model logističke regresije In order to find out the differences between the owners who cooperate with other forest owners and those who are willing to cooperate and those unwilling, a multivariate model of logistic regression was performed. The following independent variables were consideredin this model: the size of forest property (up to 10 ha and over 10 ha), the form of ownership (sole holder, co-owners who share common household, co-owners who do not all share common household) as well as the owner’s age (under 50 and over 50).The results of the multivariate nominal logistic regression are given in Table 10. Let us first compare the associated owners with those who are unwilling to cooperate.The most influential factor here is the size of property (p=0.000), followed by age (p=0.002) and type of ownership where several owners live in common household with the coowners (p=0.007). Owners with a smaller property (up to 10 ha) are thus less likely to show willingness to cooperate (95 % CI is in such case 0.097–0.320), the odds being 0.176 lower compared to owners with bigger property; owners aged under 50 showed 2.452 times higher tendency to be willing to cooperate (95 % CI is in such case 1,381–4,351) than those aged over 50; and owners who share common household with the co -owners are 3.446times more likely to be willing to cooperate (95 % CI is in such case 1.407–8-441) compared to owners who do not share the household with the co-owners.The comparison of the willing and unwilling to cooperate revealed a significant statistical influence of the size of property (p=0.000) and age(0.006). Ownerswith smaller property (up to 10ha) display 0.239 times lower tendency to cooperate (95 % CI is in such case 0.120–0.478) compared to owners with a bigger property; furthermore, owners aged under 50 are 2.539 times more likely to be willing to cooperate than older owners (95 % CI is in such case 1.302–4.950). |