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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, L. Zadnik Stirn, J. Krč: INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIPAND PROPERTY STRUCTURE ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 139-149

Table 10 Results of multivariate nominal logistic regression

Tablica 10.Rezultati multivariatne nominalne logističke regresije

Error Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
95 % CI
Lower Upper

Willingness of the owner to cooperate: Cooperates/Unwilling– Spremnost za povezivanje: Povezani/Nisu spremni

Size of forest property– Veličinaposjeda
Up to 10 ha– Do 10 ha -1.738 0.305 32.484 1 0.000 0.176 0.097 0.320
Over 10 ha–Više od 10 1.000
Form of ownership– Oblika vlasništva
Sole holder– Vlasnik 0.454 0.362 1.571 1 0.210 1.575 0.774 3.205
Joint owners – share common household
Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu
1.237 0.457 7.329 1 0.007 3.446 1.407 8.441
Joint owners – do not share common household
Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu
Age– Starost
Under 50 let– Do 50 godina 0.897 0.293 9.384 1 0.002 2.452 1.381 4.351
Over 50 let–Više od 50 godina 1.000

Willingness of the owner to cooperate: Willing/Unwilling– Spremnost za povezivanje: Spremni/Nisu spremni

Size of forest property– Veličinaposjeda
Up to 10 ha– Do 10 ha -0.307 0.326 0.886 1 0.347 0.736 0.388 1.394
Over 10 ha–Više od 10 1.000
Form of ownership– Oblika vlasništva
Sole holder– Vlasnik -0.059 0.427 0.019 1 0.890 0.942 0.408 2.177
Joint owners – share common household
Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu
0.538 0.525 1.048 1 0.306 1.712 0.612 4.793
Joint owners – do not share common household
Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu
Age– Starost
Under 50 let– Do 50 godina -0.035 0.324 0.012 1 0.914 0.966 0.512 1.822
Over 50 let–Više od 50 godina 1.000

Willingness of the owner to cooperate: Cooperates/Willing– Spremnost za povezivanje: Povezani/Spremni

Size of forest property– Veličinaposjeda
Up to 10 ha– Do 10 ha -1.431 0.353 16.388 1 0.000 0.239 0.120 0.478
Over 10 ha–Više od 10 1.000
Form of ownership– Oblika vlasništva
Sole holder– Vlasnik 0.514 0.425 1.457 1 0.227 1.671 0.726 3.848
Joint owners – share common household
Suvlasnici žive u istom domaćinstvu
0.700 0.559 1.566 1 0.211 2.013 0.673 6.022
Joint owners – do not share common household
Suvlasnici ne žive u istom domaćinstvu
Age– Starost
Under 50 let– Do 50 godina 0.932 0.341 7.476 1 0.006 2.539 1.302 4.950
Over 50 let–Više od 50 godina 1.000


The survey of 322 forest owners who were proportiocooperate
in forestry associations.Amultivariate model
nally selected for the sample (i.e. half of them associated of nominal logistic regression was used to compare the
and half non-associated) revealed that 39.1 % of the three categories: the associated owners, owners who are
owners were associated, 19.9 % were willing to join a founwilling
to cooperate and those who are willing to join a
restry association and 41.0 % were unwilling to do so. forestry association.The model included all statistically
The statistical model of bivariate analysis, the . test was characteristic variables from the bivariate logistic regresused
to establish a potential correlation between ownerssion
models as well as the age of the owners.The results
hip and property conditions and the willingness of owners show that the non-associated and the unwilling to coope

to cooperate.The analysis showed a connection between rate differ most significantly in the size of forest property

the size of forest property and the owners’willingness to (p=0.000), age (p=0.002) and the ownership type where