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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 64     <-- 64 -->        PDF

D. Posarić: NAJVAŽNIJI RAZLOZI GUBITKA HRASTALUŽNJAKA(Quercus robur L.) IZ SASTOJINA... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 151-158
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SUMMARY: During the process of natural regeneration of pedunculate oak (Quercus roburL.)
forests, and later during a growth of young plants, up to the age of approximately 20 years of old,
many oak plants die out. This paper will not deal with those oak trees which, in the struggle for
light with other oak plants die during the growth of the stand. This is a normal, natural process.
Paper will deal with the reasons for excessive loss of oak plants and disruption of the normal tree
species ratio in lowland oak forests and ways to prevent these losses.

Many unfavorable factors are causing a decline of oak plants. Their sequencing and/or synergic
action is a reason that many oak plants die out. If the natural regeneration of the stand is well managed,
and if the adverse impacts are controlled all the time to the first thinnings, it is very likely
that there will be a high quality oak stand. However, if the foresters come too late with the protection
of the stand at any stage of its growth, or even fails to do it, oak plants suffer. It is therefore very
important to protect and tending young stand well up to the age of the first thinnings.

The adverse impacts that endanger oak plants are numerous and diverse. The most harmful are
retaining surface water, small forest rodents (especially vole species – Figure 4) and competitive
weed vegetation (Figures 3 and 5). Some influences are under the permanent supervi sion and
there is a quality protection against them (e.g. Oak mildew – Microsphaera alphitoidesGriff. et
Maubl.) and because of that they are not causing much damage, although they are potentially very
dangerous. Some others are underestimated and therefore their harmful impact occurs, especially
after the removal of the old stand by final cut, when monitoring and control of the young stand are
not so intensive as they were during the regeneration process. A need for permanent professional
supervision and control of the stands state is the most important conclusion of this work, because
they are a prerequisite for timely and proper response to the observed adverse impacts.

Keywords: the die out of oak plants, seedling stage, sapling stage, young forest, prop stage,
retaining surface water, small rodents, vegetation of weeds, monitoring the situation of stands.