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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 74     <-- 74 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 159-168
pleksni sadržaj osigurava mu istaknuto mjesto u šu-dincima, ali i struci u cjelini.Takvih atributa našoj
marstvu, ali i potvrđuje svrhu njegovog osnutka i zelenoj struci nije nikada nedostajalo, pa zasigurno
rada u razvoju i unapređivanju šumarstva te pro-neće ni sada.
svjećivanju i podizanju opće kulture naroda.

– Osnutkom Šumarskog muzeja u Krasnu ostvaren
– U sklopu obilježavanja 235.godina osnutka i nepre-
je dugogodišnji san mnogih šumarskih stručnjaka
kidnog rada Šumarije Krasno 2000. g. na mjesnom ovoga kraja, ali i cijele naše struke, koji se temeljio
groblju u Krasnu obnovljen je grob Jurja Sabo-na zavidnim dugogodišnjim rezultatima šumarske
lića,dipl. ing., upravitelja područne Šumarije, koji struke u gospodarenju visokim velebitskim šumama
je nesretnim slučajem stradao na Zavižanu 1955. i primorskim kršom. Zbog toga, našem Šumarskom
godine. Od 2000. g. do danas o grobu brine, na do-muzeju u Krasnu, prvom u našoj zemlji, poželimo
brovoljnoj osnovi, autor ovoga rada, pa bi daljnje još puno novih uspjeha u daljnjoj afirmaciji naše
održavanje trebala preuzeti Šumarija Krasno i Šu-bogate šumarske tradicije šireg senjskog i velebitmarski
muzej. Na taj način naša bi struka iskazala skog područja, ali i cijele naše zemlje.
solidarnost i kolegijalnost prema zaslužnim poje-

SUMMARY: The establishment of the Forestry Museum in Krasno in 2005,
the first of the kind in Croatia, filled a large void in museum presentation of
the forestry profession. This event was shortly followed by the opening of the
Forestry Museum in Bošnjaci in 2007. These two museums cater for three important
segments of our forestry; high selection forests and littoral karst (Krasno)
and lowland regular forests (Bošnjaci). Their foundation marked a big
step towards more progressive museum presentation of our forestry and wider
popularization of our profession. Visitors to the Forestry Museum in Krasno
are given the opportunity to gain insights into forestry through past periods.
Still, the activity of the Museum needs to be complemented with detailed research
into the history of forestry by means of organizing professional gatherings,
collecting new exhibits and documentation, introducing up-to-date
presentation techniques and possibly enlarging the museum.

However, such “regional“ forestry museums can in no way replace one
central forestry museum in Zagreb. One such museum used to be housed in the
Forestry Home in Zagreb from 1898 to the end of World War II. The non-existence
of a central museum which would present the entire forestry of our
country is a big handicap for our profession. This is the reason that its reopening
in the former premises in Zagreb takes priority. Furthermore, it is a debt
of the current generation of foresters towards our forerunners, but also towards
the entire forestry profession.

We have selected some of the most important data from the meticulously
described holdings and principal exhibits in the Forestry Museum in Krasno.
The museum in situated on the ground floor of an old but renovated building
of Krasno Forest Office. It contains four rooms and a corridor with a sanitary
block in the area of 131 m2. Together with a smaller, detached porch of 34 m2,
the overall area amounts to 165 m2. A total of 357 exhibits have been collected,
of which 162 relate to different written documentation (pictures, maps,
studies, ledgers, specialized books, brochures and others) and 195 exhibits
show a variety of work equipment (instruments, tools, appliances and products).
The library contains 556 items in all (326 books and 230 brochures).
Satisfaction with the work of the Krasno Forestry Museum to date and a keen
interest shown by the wider public c ommit us to invest further effort into enlarging
its contents and following the presented recommendations.

Key words:Forestry Museum in Krasno, exhibit, written documentation,
work equipment, forestry disciplines