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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2010 str. 83 <-- 83 --> PDF |
J. Roša: KORACI DO EKOZNAKAZA LJEKOVITO I AROMATIČNO BILJE Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIV (2010), 169-177 LITERATURA– References Grlić,LJ., 1980: Samoniklo jestivo bilje, Prosvjeta Pohajda,I., M.Ševar, J. Roša, M. Kovač, M. Zagreb, ISBN: 90-5485-934-2. Ko vač,2009: Koraci do ekoznaka za ljekovito i aromatično bilje U:Katalenić I Hrvatski zavod Pepeljnjak,S., 2009:Pregled antimikrobnog djeloza poljoprivrednu savjetodavnu službu, Zagreb. va nja eteričnih ulja bilja Hrvatske. U: Zdravlje, kul tura, priroda,Zagreb,Ivanišević G. ur.Akade-Roša,J., 2009:Šuma – hrvatski ekološki brand.U: mija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske, 13:34–39. Iva nišević G, ur. Priroda, lječilišta – hrvatski brand. Zagreb:Akademija medicinskih znanosti Pepeljnjak,S,Šegvić, M.Klarić,2009:Aroma- Hrvatske., 14: 54–56. terapija – hrvatski brand: antifungalno djelovanje aerosola eteričnih ulja, U: Prirodna lječilišta – hr-Šilješ,I., Đ.Grozdanić, I.Grgesina,1992: Po vatski brand, Zagreb, Ivanišević G, ur.Akademija zna vanje, uzgoj i prerada ljekovitog bilja, Školmedicinskih znanosti Hrvatske. 14: 46–53. ska knjiga, Zagreb, ISBN:86-03-00663-6. SUMMARY: Diverse relief and various climatic features have influenced on development of great number of plants species in Croatia. A therapeutical herbs and aromatic plants has always played important role in traditional medicine. Recently there are growing interests in collecting and producing therapeutical herbs and aromatic plants, what is an effected by ecological approach and protecting of environment and health. About 170 therapeutical and aromatic plants are collected or producing in Croatia. Natural geographical and soil conditions in Croatia make possible successful growth health and aromatic plants. Only plants cultivated on ecological manner or collected from clean area without sources of pollution in their neighborhood have particular validity. Republic of Croatia has good condition related to protected area and biological diversity and lot of the therapeutical herbs and aromatic plants that are very valuable ecological products. Key words:therapeutical herbs and aromatic plants, ecological label (eco-label), ecological production, biological diversity, Croatia |