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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

J. Vukelić, A.Alegro, V. Šegota:ALTIMONTANSKO - SUBALPSKASMREKOVAŠUMAS OBRUBLJENIM ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 211-228
lumn 8Piceetum(illyricum)subalpinumHorvat 1950listeretosumethomogynetosumFukarek
1969/ were taken from Zupančič’s analysis (1990). Column
9 provides seven relevés from Vlašić (Lakušić et al. 1982).

The floral composition of spruce forests in Velebit, in relation to other Dinaric
spruce communities, is characterized by lesser participation and cover
of Alpine-boreal species (Lonicera nigra,Lycopodium annotinum,Huperzia
selago, Listera cordata, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Rhytiadelphus loreus)
and higher participation and cover of the species from the Fagetalia order
and lower units. This is attributed to several reasons, such as the biogeographic
position of Velebit and the resulting ecological factors, the lithological-pedological
properties of the substrate and the influence of a strong beech belt
which surrounds smaller complexes (and fragments) of coniferous forests.
West Croatian and particularly Slovenian spruce forests are under a strong
Alpine influence, while Bosnian-Herzegovinian spruce forests have retreated
deep into the continental part. It is therefore logical that the association Laserpitio
krapfii-Piceetummanifests a more “fagetal” character and that its
composition contains species of beech forests that are either absent from other
spruce associations or are much less represented. Compared to the subalpine
spruce forest “Calamagrostio-Piceetum” described earlier, the new association
occurs at lower positions and covers more humid, colder, shadier, much
less stony and soil-rich sites. Locally, it descends into sinkholes and lower slopes
to the altitude of 1,100 m. Fir is still considerably present, but the other
mentioned association is above the upper fir boundary.

Typologically, the association Laserpitio krapfii-Piceetumcan provisionally
be divided into three types of stands. Stands with a standard composition
are found on upper and centrally positioned, shady, moderately fresh slopes
with an average floral composition. They frequently contain equal amounts of
species from the order Fagetalia. The second type occurs on drier, more illuminated,
more exposed localities that also include meadow edges (most frequently
Nardetum strictae), while the third type of stands is developed in
narrow and restricted sinkholes and on the slopes leading to them. Species of
the order Adenostyletaliadominate on colluvial soils with more moisture and
longer presence of snow. Cicerbita alpina,Ranunculus platanifolius,Stellaria
nemorum,Poa hybridaand some others are particularly prominent. In some
earlier research into spruce forests of northern Velebit (Vukelić and Tomljanović
1990), this stand type was identified as an independent associationAdenostylo
alliariae-PiceetumHartman 1994.