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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

T. Pentek, H. Nevečerel, K. Dasović, T. Poršinsky, M. Šušnjar, I. Potočnik: ANALIZASEKUNDARNE ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 241-248
Tucek,J., E.Pacola,1999:Algorithms for skiddingCongress. Proceedings of theTechnical Sessions
distance modelling on a raster digital terrainof Subject Group 3.06: p. 103–110.
model. Journal of Forest Engineering 10 (l): p.

Zdjelar,M., 1990: Utjecaj metoda gradnje traktor67–

skih vlaka na proizvodnost i ekonomičnost rada,
Yoshimura,T., K. Kanzaki,1996: Method ofoštećivanje stabala i naprezanje radnika, Meha

planning a forest-road network using the degreesnizacija šumarstva, Zagreb, 15 (1990) 1–2, str.

of slope failure potentials. IUFRO XX World3–26.

ABSTRACT: For quality and rational forest ecosystem management the
existence of an optimal spatial laid network of primary and secondary forest
traffic infrastructure is necessary. There are different parameters for the
quantitative and qualitative assessment of the existing network of forest traffic
infrastructure as well as to define unopened or insufficiently open forest
areas. The relative openness (primary or secondary) in combination with the
GIS buffer tools, is a very effective tool in analyzing quantity and quality of
primary and secondary forest roads, but also very distinct and descriptive
overview of results of the analysis. Research is conducted in management unit
“Bovan-Jelar” Forest office Perušić located in the mountainous region of
Lika. GIS study area is formed and the cadastre of primary and secondary forest
roads was established. Analysis of a secondary openness was performed
of skidder type Timberjack 240 C equipped with Adler two-drum winch rope
length 30, 45 and 60 m. Unopened areas are defined and, in selected subcompartments,
for the length of the winch rope of 60 m, the proposed route of the
future skid roads that will improve the existing secondary forest roads network.
Secondary openness analysis is performed again a and obtained results
are compared with the current state of secondary openness.

Key words:relative openness, road density, secondary forest roads,
planning, hilly area, GIS