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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF

S. Redžić, S. Barudanović: THE PETTERNS OF DYVERSITY OF FORESTVEGETATION OF THE CRVANJ ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 261-274
sense.That fact emphasize the purpose of intensive and
complex phytocoenological investigations of each part
of area, which is characterised with high level of heterogenity
in ecological and geographycal sense.

One of the most complex unit of DinaricAlps in region
is Crvanj Mt., situated in northern part of Eastern

From phytogeographical point of view, on Crvanj
Mt. are hilly, mountain and subalpine vegetation belt
recognized. According to Lakušić(1969), the influence
of Moesian province is expressed in lower vegetation
belts, while in the upper mountain and subalpine
belt the influence of Illyrian province of Eurosibirianboreoamerican
region is predominant. The upper subalpine
and alpine belts belong to Highdinaric province
of Alpine-Highnordicregion.

The position of Crvanj Mt. in the system of Dinaric
Alps, relatively small distance (cca 75 km) from the sea,
geologic-pedological, orographical and hydrograp hical
conditions, in complex with other environmental factors,
have esential significance in defining of ecosystem
diversity on investigated area.

In past period that fact was reason for researches
done by numerous naturalists and florists. Crvanj Mt. is
explored by AmiBoue(in period 1836–1838); Otto
Blau(19–28. ofAugust 1871); JosefPantocsekand
ArminKnapp(Fukarek,1954); Pichler and Formanek
(Beck,1909, Beck&al., 1967); Adamović
(1889); K. Mal.(1889; 1923); Beck(1903–1916)
and Janchen(1906).The special contribution to the

floristic knowledge of Crvanj Mt. gave famous Swedish
botanist Svante Murbeck (Murbeck,1891).

However, the special attention to the problem of
phytocoenological diversity of Crvanj Mt. has not been
paid up to current investigations.Therefore, there is no
detailed published information on matter (except data
conteining general distribution of certain phytocoenoses,
obtained trough process of vegetation mapping).

Current investigations komprehend vegetation data,

i.e. structure of different phytocoenoses allong the
whole vertical profile.The results of investigations enclose
also the hilly, mountain and subalpine meadows
and pastures, rocky grasslands, alkaline peat bogs as
well as submountain summer pastures (Redžić&al.,
Here are presented results related to forest vegetation
of Crvanj Mt.
The general objectives of paper are:

–Scientific knowledge of structure (floristic composition)
and dynamics of prevalent forest phytocoenoses
on vertical profile Ulog – Zimomor;
–Phytocoenological analysis of forest communities
in the goal of susteinable planning, according to internationally
accepted metodology – ecosystem approach
(CBD, 1992),
–Defining of phytocoenoses and habitat types according
to EUNIS (M o s s & D a v i e s, 2002),
–Phytogeographycal and syndinamical analisys with
assessment of significance and dimension in relation
to regional biodiversity.
2. MATERIALAND METHODS – Materijal i metode
Phytoceonological and ecological vegetation reserches
along the vertical profile of Crvanj Mt. from Ulog
up to the top of mountain, were performed in different
aspect in period between 1983. and 1990.The methodology
of Braun-Blanguet(1964) has been entirely
applied.The data of life forms and floral elements have
been accepted afterOberdorfer(1983), and on endemic
taxa mostly after Hayek(1924–1933). The taxa
nomenclature has been given mostly after the Flora Europaea
(Tutin&al., 1964–1980).

Main characteristic of investigated area–
Geography and Topography:The Mt. Crvanj
morphostructure is situated in Eastern Herzegovina,
with geographical coordinates 43o and 43o 30’of the
north latitude and 18o and 18o 30’of east longitude
(Fig. 1). In the north it is bordered by valley of Neretva
river and eastern border goes along the line Ulog –
Obalj – Plužine. In the south it is bordered by Zalomka
river and in the west by Nevesinje field. Mt. Crvanj
settles the line north-northwest south southeast, wich
is not common direction recognized in most of Dinaric
Alps mountains.

Understanding, determination and defining of certain
phytocoenoses has been reconciled with the Code of
phytocenologycal nomenclature (Weber&al., 2000).

Determination of humidity and thermic character of
climate has been done afterGračanin(1950), and soil
nomenclature afterŠkorić&al. (1985).

Osnovne karakteristike istražvanog područja

Orography:According to morphology and hypsometry
Mt. Crvanj can be divided in western higher part,
and eastern lower part transforming into characteristic
plain.The higest peak is Zimomor (1920 m).The morfostructure
of Mt. Crvanj belongs to higher zone of the
high karst (Vidović,1978).

Hydrography:In hydrographic sense Crvanj Mt
can be divided in nothern part, with well developed
surface netting of branching directed toward Neretva
river; and southern part with very poor developed surface
netting /or brabching/ (Spahić,1984).