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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF

S. Redžić, S. Barudanović: THE PETTERNS OF DYVERSITY OF FORESTVEGETATION OF THE CRVANJ ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 261-274
Figure 1. Geographic position of investigated area Crvanj Mt.

Slika 1 Geografski položaj istraživanog područja planineCrvanj

In the unit of eastern part of Crvanj Mt., above
Ulog, a glacial lake Ulog (known also as Lake) is situated.
The water flows from lake down as Jezernica river
to Neretva.

Geology and Pedology:On Crvanj Mt. could be
found different types of geological foundation.On
route Ulog to the top of mountain (investigated profile)
marl and calcarenit is predominant, but also mixed formations
of marl-sandstone, limestone, calcarenit-marl
are present.

In the major part of central and high belts of Crvanj
Mt. are recognizedTriassic clastic scars, dolomite, limestone,
Jurassic marl-sandstone limestone with particle
of silicate, as well as massive and bank limestone
of Jurassic and Cretaceus age.

Over mentioned geological foundation are calcomelanosol
and calcocambisol, rendzine, acid calcocambisol,
district cambisols and rankers developed. Subalpine
in alpine vegetation belt is chsracterized by degradated
calcomelanosol and rendzine, especially in wind exposed
habitats where the stage of sirozem is predominant.
It is expanded over wide surfaces, becomming an essen

tial determinant of entire massive. On silicate geological
foundation are soils with humus layer often degradated
to the stage of silicate sirozem to.Ranker gradually traverse
to distric cambisols only in characteristic carst depressions.
In geological sense this area belongs to the
special structural and facial unit Crvanj – Morine with
the zone of Durmitor flysch (Moj čević&Tomić,
1982a, 1982b).

Ecoclimate:The Crvanj morphostructure builds
one natural barriers betweenAdriatic and continental
climate. However, the maritime influences are distinct.

Analyses of enclosed climatic diagram showes relatively
distinct maritime influences in relation to distribution
of rainfall (according to data from Gacko and
Nevesinje climatic stations). In Kalinovik area the coninental
influences are more distinct.

Humid periods are particularly present in spring and
autumn. Dray period is in July andAugust, in the middle
of vegetation season. According to data from all
mentioned stations, rainfall is minimal during this period
(for station Ulog recorded rainfall is only 35 mm
in July). In regard to humidity, the climate is perhumid