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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 67     <-- 67 -->        PDF

S. Redžić, S. Barudanović: THE PETTERNS OF DYVERSITY OF FORESTVEGETATION OF THE CRVANJ ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 261-274
Abies albais not or it is very rarely present in beech
forest here.

However, the presence of Rhamnus fallax, Lonicera
alpigena, Galium odoratum, Polystichum lobatum, Cardamine
enneaphyllos, Polygonatum verticillatumand
Lilium martagonspecies indicates development of certain
beech-fir forests variant, or forests of beech and bu-

Ass.:Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum sylvaticae

The termophylic community of beech and autumn
bluegrass (Sesleria autumnalis) is developed within
belt of mountain and high mountains beech forests, but
on warmer habitats, dolomite geological foundation
and rendzine as type of soil. Habitats of mentioned
community are situated on south aspect and terrain
with inclination of 35o.

In floristic composition of community the next
group of species has significant diagnostic and indicator
value:Sesleria autumnalis, Ostrya carpinifolia, Cotinus
coggigria, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Epipactis
latifolia, Solidago virgaaurea, Canvallaria mayalis
andLathyrus venetus(Tab. 1).

The community of autumn bleugrass with beech,
within area with Illyrian climate is developed both in
sub-Mediterranean belt (Horvat,1962; Trinaj s tić,
2008), and deeply in continental hinterland, what
is more often orographically and pedologically caused

Usualy, mentioned community is affiliated to littoral
and south part of Central Dinaric mountains (Lakušić,
1987,Lakušić&al., 1984, 1987). Going to

Ass.:Phyteumo spicatae-Fagetumsylvaticae

ckthorn (Rhamno-FagetumFukarek 1969), which are
more common for group of south DinaricAlps (Fukarek,
1979). One of possible reason forAbies albaabsence
could be intensive cutting in the past period, when
fir is entirely but artificially removed from investigated
habitats.According to literature sources, fir was distinctively
more presented in this area (Murbeck,1891).

Blečić & Lakušić 1970 corr. hoc loco

group of continental and northwestern Dinaric Alps,
the community constitute the continuum to theSeslerio
autumnalis-Fagetum(Horvat 1938) Horvat & al. 1974,
which is developed in a few variants.

One of known community variants isSeslerio autumnalis-
Fagetum(Horvat 1950) M. Wraber (1958) 1960,
developed from the sub-Mediterranean to the subalpine
area of Slovenia, and recently diffrentiated in several
syntaxonomical categories (Dakskobler,1991).

The thermophilic community of beech with autumn
bluegrass in comparision with typical association Seslerio-
Fagetum sylvaticae, recorded in south and southeastern
part of central DinaricAlps (Blečić,1958;
1989) is rather poor in endemic species.

SpeciesChamaecytisus tommasinii, Campanula lingulata,
Dianthus sylvestris, Laserpitium marginatum,
Trifolium pignattii, Crocus tommasinianus, Dioscorea
balcanica, Daphne oleoidesand other endemic species
are absent. By this finding, researched community is
more similar toSeslerio-Fagetumin floristic sense.

Barudanović 2003
(=Aceri-Fagetum subalpinumFukarek & Stefanović 1958 emend Fukarek 1969)

The community of maple with subalpine beech is
usualy recorded on mountains of northwestern and
continental group of Dinaric Alps (Horvat,1962;
Fukarek,1979;Redžić&al., 1984;Barudanović,

In the souheast group of DinaricAlps it is altered
with communityAceri visianii-Fagetum sylvaticaeFukarek
1969 (Blečić 1958 – Syn.:Fagetum subalpinum
aceretosum visianiiBlečić 1958).

In the past period community of subalpine beech on
Crvanj Mt. suffered extremely high level of antopogenic
influence with purpose of subalpine pastures area enlargement.

The floristic analysis of researched sites situated on
limestone foundation and calcomelanosol type of soil, at
the altitude between 1500 an 1700 m, indicates the presence
of this association, but in extremely poor form.

In the tree stratum, high cca 6 m, beech is predominant,
but sycamore maple is also present. In schrub

stratum Lonicera alpigenaand Rhamnus fallax are
only recorded species.

Characteristic and differential species of Aceri-Fagetum
association here are: Cystopteris montana, Luzula
sylvatica, Adenostyles alliariae, Actea spicata,
Geranium macrorhizumandCardamine enneaphyllos.
Important diagnostic species of the order and class are:
Viola reichenbachiana, Aremonia agrimonioides, Anemone
nemorosa, Crocus vernus, Geum urbanumand
other (Tab. 1).

The belt of mountain pine on researched profile of
Crvanj Mt. is completely absent.Terminal forest border
is built up of subalpine beech community. Mountain
pine community was developed on this profile
(Murbeck,1891), but during the past is completely
destroyed to.