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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

S. Redžić, S. Barudanović: THE PETTERNS OF DYVERSITY OF FORESTVEGETATION OF THE CRVANJ ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 261-274
lation to communities of alliances Aremonio-Fagion
However, significant presence of species with Balkan
and sub-Meditettanean floral element leads to posi-

Analysis of life forms spectrum

Comparative analysis of the life forms spectrum
(Tab. 3) show the significant decrease of phanerophytes
with increase of altitude. Most of the analyzed associations
have high level of hemicryptophyte-phanerophitic
species presence, what is caused by influence of temperate
continental climate (Redžić&Barudanović,
1991;Redžić&al., 1987;Redžić,1988).

Ass.Seslerio-Fagetumhas phanerophyte-hemicryptophytic
character, what is expression of polidominant
structure and relict character of community.The community
Aceri-Fagetumhas hemicryptophyte-geophytic
character, what indicates relatively high level of air hu

tioning of these forests within other communities ofSe-
slerio-Fagionalliance (Tab. 2).

– Analiza spektra životnih formi
Table 3.Plant life form spectrum
Tablica 3Spektar životnih formi biljaka

Plant life form
P– Phanerophytae3324.44
Ch– Chamaephytae107.41
H– Hemicryptophytae6447.41
G– Geophytae2720.00
T– Therophytae10.74

midity during the vegetation period, as well as unfavourable
thermic conditions of habitat (Tab. 3).

CONCLUSION – Zaključak

Forest vegetation of Crvanj Mt. has broadleaved
character. In the hilly belt forest with Quercus petraea
andQuercus cerrisare dominant. However, in mountain
and subalpine vegetation beltFagus sylvaticadominate.
In phytocoenological sense, researched forests
belong toQuerco-FageteaClass and act as important
part of beech forests diversity on DinaricAlps.

Special value, both for local and regional biodiversity,
have communities of Quercion petraeae- cerrisalliance,
as well as endemorelicts Aceri-Fagetumand
Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum sylvaticae.


This investigation is part of project: “Obrasci ekološko-
sintaksonomskog diverziteta u procjeni stanja i nosivog
kapaciteta ekosistema životne sredine” Ministry of

According to EUNIS habitat classification, researched
communities are developed on habitats with special
value for conservation of European biodiversity. On Crvanj
Mt.are habitats of many rare, endemic and treathened
species such asHelleborus multifidus, Helleborus
purpurascens, Iris graminea, Ostrya carpinifolia, Corylus
colurna, Rhamnus fallax, Sesleria autumnalis,
Galanthus nivalis, Convallaria maialisand other important
species for biodiversity Dinaric and European
wide area.


Education and Sciences, Canton Sarajevo, Federation of
BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina (02-05-16280-9.18a/07
od 07.06.2007).

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