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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2010 str. 84     <-- 84 -->        PDF

M. Šporčić, M. Landekić, M.. Lovrić, S. Bogdan, K. Šegotić: VIŠEKRITERIJSKO ODLUČIVANJE ...Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXIV (2010), 275-286
usage of hybrid methods, or to the usage of several models and techniques simultaneously.
Interactive application of several methods contributes to the efficiency
of the analyzes, that is to the objectivity and to the reliability of
estimates, but also to learning and raising capacities.

In forestry, planning and decision making is often based on more or less incomplete
information, missing information, or sometimes on purely descriptive
information. In that way the process of forest management is tackled with
much of insecurity, incertitude and risk, which does not allow precise estimates
and planning. In that context the methods of multiple-criteria decision making,
such as AHP and SMAA, have potential for the wider acceptance in
forestry and natural resource management. Multiple-criteria models cannot
replace traditional tools and procedures in forest planning; on the contrary,
they should be complementary. In that sense, the numerical simulations and
optimizations are important for the estimation of future production abilities
and decision making related to production planning, although they may not be
able to enlist all the relative problems of multi-functional forest management.
In that cases their estimations and results, as any other information sources
(such as GIS, expert judgments, subjective preferences of descriptive data)
can be used within a common framework with the methods of multiple-criteria
decision making.

In the last few years, the research and the application of multiple-criteria
decision making models has been widely represented in many areas, and especially
in the management of natural resources. Additionally, besides scientists
and researchers these methods have gained interest of experts and practitioners.
In forestry they are applied with an intention of better responding to current
challenges in forest management. The complexity of business
environment, the imperative of ecological acceptability and business success
with simultaneous sustainable management of forests creates a demand for
new and more precise models and techniques in forestry. Through development
and application of analysis which encompasses different models of multiple-
criteria decision making it is possible to contribute to more simplified
analysis, planning and foreseeing in forest management. Generally, it is considered
that multiple-criteria decision making models in forestry, as in other
business systems, can be very strong support to planning and decision making.

Key words:Multiple criteria decision making, forestry, forest management,