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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2010 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

D. Barčić, V. Ivančić: UTJECAJ ODLAGALIŠTA OTPADAPRUDINEC/JAKUŠEVEC NAONEČIŠĆENJE ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXIV (2010), 347-359

SUMMARY: Unmanaged landfills are the basic problem of environment protection
on Croatia. Municipal waste and landfills such as Jakuševac incur exceptionally
high costs for many towns. Their impact on the environment is
highly unfavourable since they pollute water, soil and air and represent a constant
threat to human health. The solution to the problem begins with remediation
of unmanaged landfills. To launch a remediation programme it is necessary
to adopt a new attitude to waste management. The establishment of an integral
waste management system is a constituent part of all legal measures and regulations.
Such a system ensures the reduction of waste and increased recycling,
which provides material and energetic benefits. In today’s circumstances, the
implementation of the system at the level of the City of Zagreb and Croatia as a
whole results in multiple benefits from both the ecological and economic aspect.
The paper gives a survey of the Jakuševac landfill, a complex diffuse source of
contamination which causes problems in the sense of possible harmful effect on
all environmental elements. Consequently, its remediation was highly expedient.
The main reasons for landfill remediation were the protection of groundwater
and air. The Jakuševac-Prudinec landfill used to be a disposal site for
municipal, non-hazardous and industrial waste of the City of Zagreb and its
surroundings. Uncontrolled disposal of waste in the area of the current landfill
began in 1965. In 1995, the size of the landfill reached 80 ha. In this period,

4.5 million m3 of waste was disposed inadequately. By the year 2000, the volume
of the disposed waste had reached 8 million m3. The transformation of the
unmanaged waste disposal site into a managed sanitary landfill was completed
at the end of 2003. In the period from 1965 to the beginning of the 1990s, almost
one million m3 of soil (soil material) in the Jakuševac-Prudinec landfill was
contaminated, and the quality of drinking groundwater was seriously threatened.
This research discusses the impact of the landfill on groundwater and the
gradual spread of pollution eastwards, as confirmed by the shifting of the boundary
pollution line from Jakuševac towards Mičevac, especially during changeable
hydrodynamic conditions in the aquifer layer. The paper presents the
results of research into the cause and effect relationship between the Jakuševac
landfill and groundwater pollution (see Figures 1–5). The composition of organic
pollutants in the Jakuševac landfill indicates that this was a disposal site not
only for municipal waste but also for waste of industrial origin which contains
numerous anthropogenic compounds that might have an adverse effect on
groundwater quality. Permanent monitoring of dominant anthropogenic compounds
in the disposed waste and leachate is necessary.

Key words:leachate, landfill gas, waste management system, City of