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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF


Piljac-Kosović,L., M.Pandža,2009: Flora of ceaL. u Hrvatskom primorju.Acta Bot. Croat.
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SUMMARY: The Vrgada Island with its surface of 2.3 km2belongs to the
group of small islands (Duplančić-Lederet et al. , 2004). It is surrounded by 14
islets and reefs: Murvenjak or Murvenik (0.609 km2), Šipnata (0.085 km2),
Oblik (0.074 km2), Kozina (0.063 km2), Gira (0.056 km2), Obrovanj (0.04 km2),
Artina (0.033 km2), Veliki Školjić (0.03 km2), Mali Školjić (0.013 km2) and the
Rakita, Vrtlić, Lončarić, Kamičić reefs (north of Vrgada) and Kamičić (south of
Vrgada). The Vrgada islets and reefs are located in Dalmatia and belong to the
Zadar archipelago.

The island of Vrgada is made of Senon rudist limestone and alb-cenoman
dolomites. Limestone and dolomites alternate with chondrodonts on certain
parts of the island. The geological structure of the islets varies from limestone
to dolomite (Mamužić et al. 1975).

For the Vrgada Island and the surrounding islets there are no climatic data;
therefore, the climatic data for Biograd, the nearest weather station on the land,
was used in this research. According to the data of the Hydrometeorological Institute
of the Republic of Croatia for the period of 1981–2000 the average annual
temperature was 15 oC. The annual precipitation was 814.2 mm/m2.

Bioclimatically, the island of Vrgada and its islets belong to the bioclimate
alliance Quercion ilicis. The vegetation of this alliance belongs, phytogeographically,
to the Eumediterranean vegetation zone of the Mediterranean
phytogeographic region (comp. Trinajstić 1998).