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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF


The forest vegetation of the island of Vrgada and the surrounding islets
was researched on several occasions during 2009 and 2010 by making relevés.
On the island of Vrgada and its islets we found only the Mediterranean-
Littoral vegetation belt. The most significant community in this belt is
Myrto-Quercetum ilicis and on the south and southwest exposition of the
island of Vrgada and its islets it is the xerothermic vegetation alliance Oleo
ceratonion and in it ass. Pistacio-Juniperetum phoeniceae. A total of 31 phytocenological
relevé was made.

The relevés were made and analyzed using the classical Braun-Blanquet‘s
method (Braun-Blanquet 1964). All records were subjected to two numerical
methods of analysis – the cluster analysis and the multidimensional scaling
(Sharma 1996; McGarigal et al. 2000). The numerical analysis was made
using the SYN-TAX 2000 program package (Podani 2001).

The phytocenological relevés were made and analyzed using the classical
Braun-Blanquet method (Braun-Blanquer 1964) and the results are shown in
the tables 1–5 whereas the graphic display (Picture 3 and 4) was made by a numerical
analysis. We have determined the forest communities of garigues –
Erico manipulflorae-Cistetum creticiH-ić 1958 and maquis:Myrto-Quercetum
ilicis(H-ić 1963) Trinajstić (1976) 1985, Fraxino orno–Quercetum ilicisH-ić
(1956) 1958,Pistacio-Juniperetum phoeniceaeTrinajstić 1987and Querco ilici-
Pinetum halepensisLoisel 1971 by means of syntaxonomic analysis.

Besides these communities that are easily perceived, a part of the island of
Vrgada and a part of the Islet of Artina that were afforested during the 1950es
and 60es with Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensisMill.) are now overgrowing into
its stands. With this spontaneously spreading Aleppo pine we can find on the
island of Vrgada the holm oak maquis, within which the initial stage with the
community of garigues and the terminal stage with the community Myrto-
Quercetum ilicis Trinajstić (1976) 1985 are distinguished. The garigues on
Vrgada develop on grasslands and abandoned olive groves and are currently
naturally progressing into evergreen maquis.

On the Islet of Murvenjak theMyrto-Pistacietum lentisci(Molinier (1936)
1954) Rivas Martinez 1975) stands continue on the halophytic zone.

The pure holm oak forests Myrto-Quercetum ilicisrepresent the terminal
phase in the development of the Eumediterranean zone forest vegetation of the
East-Adriatic Littoral and of the island of Vrgada and its islets.

Key words:Myrto-Quercetum ilicis,Pistacio-Juniperetum phoeniceae,
numerical analysis, the Island of Vrgada and Its Islets, Dalmatia, Croatia