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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 40 <-- 40 --> PDF |
L. Šerić Jelaska,A. Ješovnik, S. D. Jelaska,A. Pirnat, M. Kučinić, P. Durbešić: VARIATIONS OF CARABID ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIV (2010), 475-486 tum sylvaticae Ht. 1938, (plot 3), Festuco drymeiae-sured. Because of its circular nature, the terrain aspect Abietetumass. nova,Vukelić &Baričević2007, was transformed into a continuous north-south gradient (plots 4 and 6);Chrysanthemo macrophylli–Aceretum (northness) by calculating the cosine of aspect values pseudoplatani (Ht. 1938) Borh. 1962 (plot 5), (Table (Guisan etal. 1999,Jelaskaetal. 2003). 1). For each plot, altitude, slope and aspect were mea- Table 1 Ecological variables and their values for six plots Tablica 1.Vrijednosti ekoloških varijabli na šest istraživanih ploha Variable/plot (50x50 m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 community/zajednica* qc lf lo af cm af Organic matter content/udio org. tvari (%) 8.99 16.36 15.96 21.47 18.82 13.28 Number of plant species/br. biljnih vrsta 62 19 41 43 36 39 Altitude/visina (m) 400 550 660 970 810 660 Slope/nagib (o) 21 18 17 28 21 7 Aspect/aspekt (o) 145 272 102 325 354 335 Northness/sjevernost -0.819 0.035 -0.208 0.819 0.995 0.906 Canopy openness/otvorenost sklopa (%) 4.04 10.62 4.95 12.69 4.98 4.94 Leaf area index/indeks lisne površine 3.91 2.59 4.13 2.34 3.81 3.41 Soil type/tip tla Brown acid/kiselo smeđe * qc- Querco- Castaneetumsativae, lf- Luzulo- Fagetumsylvaticae, lo- Lamioorvale- Fagetumsylvaticae, af – Festuco drymeiae - Abietetum, cm- Chrysanthemomacrophylli–Aceretumpseudoplatani Habitat complexity was quantified using four habitat used them in our analyses.Three characters (shrubs cavariables within the site: tree canopy cover; shrubs ca-nopy cover; ground herb cover; amount of leaf litter) nopy cover; ground herb cover and amount of leaf litter. were visually quantified into four categories (from score Each variable was scored with 0, 1, 2 and 3 using an 0 to score 3: low contribution to site complexity (score ordinal scale, where increasing scores indicate greater 0), the highest contribution to site complexity (score 3). habitat complexity.This is modified version of the tech- Tree canopy cover was measured as Leaf Area Index niques used byLassau andHochuli (2004, 2008). (LAI) and classified into four categories with scores Compared to theLassau andHochuli (2004) sco from 0 to 3. Summing up the scores for all quantified ring method, there were no differences in two additional characters, habitat complexity range from 5 (lowest ha- variables i.e. soil moisture and portion of logs, rocks and bitat complexity) to 10 (maximum habitat complexity) debris between investigated plots, hence we haven’t per plot (Table 2). Table 2 Ecological variables used to derive measures of habitat complexityand their values for six plots Tablica 2.Ekološke varijable korištene za određivanje kompleksnosti structure staništa na šest istraživanih ploha Variable/plot (50x50 m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tree canopy cover (LAI)/sklop krošnji (LAI) 3 (3.91) 1 (2.59) 3 (4.13) 1 (2.34) 3 (3.81) 2 (3.41) Shrub canopy cover/pokrovnost grmlja 2 0 1 0 0 2 Ground flora cover/pokrovnost prizemnog bilja 2 3 2 3 3 1 Leaf litter cover/količina listinca 3 3 3 1 2 1 Habitat complexity scores/vrijednosti kompleksnosti staništa 10 7 9 5 8 6 In each of the six plots, the number of vascular plants species was recorded on successive visits during the season (March – October). Data on canopy openness and LAI, as indirect estimators of available under story light, were measured using hemispherical photographs (as described inJelaska 2004 andJelaska et al. 2006) and analyzed with Gap Light Analyzer (GLA) software (Frazer etal. 1999). Soil samples were collected twice during this investigation, at the beginning of the season in March 2001 and in May 2002. Four samples of the top 10 cm of soil were collected from each plot, after removal of the litter. Samples were diagonally placed across the plot, at 14 m intervals following general scheme in Scholz et al. 1994.To determine the percentage of organic matter, 10 g of soil was ashed at 400oC. All environmental variables are displayed inTable 1. |