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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 50 <-- 50 --> PDF |
M. Čas: DISTURBANCESAND PREDATION AT CAPERCAILLIE LEK HABITATS IN ALPS ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIV (2010), 487-495 ses of capercaillie decline in their distribution area in temperate Europe (Klaus etal. 1997;Storch 1999, 2007;Saniga 2002, 2004;Thiel etal. 2007). Especially at the population edges disturbances led to a severe population reduction or to their complete destruction (Poolo et al. 2005, Quevedo et al. 2006; Blanco-Fontao et al. 2009). Similar trends were observed in temperate and in optimal boreal habitats. In boreal forests the fragmentation of habitats due to forest logging was recognised as the main cause of population decline (Rolstad and Wegge 1987; Beškarevetal. 1995;Kurkietal. 2000;Angelstam 2004;Grafetal. 2007). Capercaillie habitat in Slovenia occupies the southeastern edge of its distribution range in theAlps (90% of total habitat) and north-western edge in the Dinaric Mountains (south-east Europe) (10% of total habitat), con necting both large mountain regions (Adamič 1987; Čas 2006).Thecapercaillie habitats in Slovenia can be found in old coniferous and mixed forests (spruce, fir, beech) where leks are distributed in chains on the slopes or in networks on forest plateaus (Čas and Adamič 1998;Purnat etal. 2005).The density of active leks depends on the site suitability (Čas andAdamič 1998; Braunisch and Suchant 2008) and on the conservation status and structures of the forest ecosystem (Čas 2001).An observed mean distance (median) among leks in the studied and representing suitable habitat complexes is about 1.250 m between two lek centres (ČasandAdamič1998;Purnatetal. 2007). In general, capercaillie population size is decreasing. Asevere drop of population for 37% (over 50% decrease of active leks) on about 290 leks with active subpopulations of about 1250 birds in year 2000 was noted through the intensive monitoring in years 1980 and 2000 (Čas 2001).The hunting of capercaillie in Slovenia was prohibited by Slovenian HunterAssociation, since 1984, after the Bird directive (1979) and was protected with law since 1993 (Official Gazette of RS 1993/57) but the current population situation still remains unsatisfactory (Čas 2001) and urges for a deeper review of potential threats. The aim of the study was to estimate main reasons for a decline of active leks and role of predation in capercaillie habitats shrinking and species extinct with adapted forest and wildlife management.The study is based on the population monitoring in years about 1980 and 2000.Available data on the causes for capercaillie lek decline in the area of SlovenianAlps and Dinaric Mountains was investigated, and a yearly dynamics of predators and their removal from population by hunting statistics was recorded and correlated to lek decline. We gratefully accepted the idea for a deeper review of potential causes of lek decline given by an open email question raised in July 2008 by Prof. D. Jenkins, the IUCN Grouse Specialist Group member and researcher, who suggested a special focus on the influence of animal predation at leks. STUDYAREAAND METHODS – Područje istraživanja i metode rada 2 The study area covered about 20.000 km, mainly the Alpine and the Dinaric habitats in Slovenia.Weincluded all altitudes from the low elevation population at 400 m the high altitude at the forest line (about 1700 m a.s.l.).The capercaillie population and decline was studied in two 3-years periods with an aggregated data for year 1980 and 2000. In the first period we analyzed 466 leks and in the second period 599 leks. Capercaillie leks and subpopulations densities were monitored in several research projects taking part at the Slovenian Forestry Institute since 1980(Adamič 1987, Čas2000). Disturbances at leks were noted as a descriptive parametres of the monitoring questionnaire, where each expert in fields stated the main reasons for lek or subpopulation decline for each endangered or extinct lek. All together 460 experts (hunters and/or foresters) studied leks for three consecutive years in both monitoring periods. Reasons for lek subpopulations decline or dead were recorded. From available questionnaires we extracted and summarised nine most frequent reasons for lek subpopulation disturbance and damage (Table 1) and use them for comparison among monitoring pe riods and statistics. Tosupport predation as one of frequently stated reasons for capercaillie population decline at leks, we analy sed predator’spopulation density from hunting statistics data, similarly as suggested by Adamič (1974) or Storch etal. (2005).Available information on hunting statistics for hunted (shot or otherwise removed) animals from population were obtained from theAnnual statistics reports of hunting game (Slovenian Hunters Association / SHA/). Data for martens (Martes foina Erx. andMartes martesL.), wild boar (Sus scrofaL.), red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) as potential predators were analysed for 5 years corresponding to each capercaillie leks monitoring period.The data for lynx (Lynx lynxL.) and raptors removal were not analysed since only sporadically named as a reason for lek disturbance. |