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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 52 <-- 52 --> PDF |
M. Čas: DISTURBANCESAND PREDATION AT CAPERCAILLIE LEK HABITATS IN ALPS ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIV (2010), 487-495 Table 2 Density of shot predator animals in Slovenia (1980–2000) (animals / 1000 ha) Tablica 2.Gustoća odstrijeljenih jedinki u Sloveniji (1980–2000) (broj jedinki / 1000 ha) Predation species of wildlife Average in 1980 (5 years) (shot animals/1000 ha) Average in 1990 (5 years) (shot animals /1000 ha) Average in 2000 (5 years) (shot animals /1000 ha) Trend of population dinamics Change of density of shot animals in age 1980–2000 Marten (Martes martes, M. foina) 1.0 2.2 2.5 + +150% Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) 4.3 2.6 3.5 + 18% Wild boar (Sus scrofa) 0.8 1.8 2.0 + +150% DISCUSSION – Rasprava Cumulative results indicated high negative impact on lek habitat suitability in the several main clusters of reasons (Table 1, 2). The main reasons for the decline in capercaillie population density over the two decades since 1980 were studied at leks and the endangerment by predation of red fox, martens and wild boar were correlated with the hunting statistics data. Research has included the area of a suspended habitat corridor in the Central European distribution range in Slovenia (Čas2006).Analyses of data from lek monitoring questionnaires confirmed the assessment of leks threats reasons on the basis of the descriptions and experiences of observers as a good indicator of the causes of risk habitats. Observations of leks showed several causes for population decline. Different land use on mountain landscapes and predator densities turned out to be the main reasons causing a gradual destruction of past subpopulations and their retrieval to habitat remains of mix conifer forests in colder and less accessible areas (Čas 2006; Čas and Adamič2007). An important cause of lek subpopulations died turned out to be predation.This is one of the third main reason for disturbance and destruction of lek habitats. From 1980 to 2000 the predation at observed leks in Slovenia raised from 2.6% to 18.5% (Table 1), mainly ue to the habitat fragmentation (Kurki et al. 2000; Andrén 1994) and an increase of predator populations densities;Storchetal. 2005; Čas2006). Changes of land use, nature conservation policies, hunting management, a sustainable nature use and changes in rural society structure and functioning in post industrial society in various ways promoted predator species (Angelstam etal. 2001; Čas 2001, 2006).With the adoption of the Birds Directive (1979) and Habitat Directive (1992), hunting of all raptors’species was banned in Slovenia (Official Gazette of RS 1993/57). The ban coincided with a decline in the popularity of fur clothing.These actions changed the attitude and behaviour of hunters towards predators as the important regulator of grouse population densities. Population density of many rare or generalist species of grouse predators (fox, martens, wild boar, raptors, raven) therefore (cyclically) increased (Lindström etal. 1994, Budiansky 1995,Klaus etal. 1997, Cattadori and Hudson 2000, Storch et al. 2005) and showed a higher impact in predation at leks and a weaker breeding success (Storaas et al. 1999, Saniga 2002, Baines et al. 2004; Merta et al. 2009). The frequently observed predator noted with a prey at observed capercaillie leks were red fox, martens, lynx and sporadically goshawk (Accipiter gentilisL.) and eagle (Aquila chrysaetosL.). In one case lynx was noted as a sporadic predator in 1980 at a single lek in Dinaric area of Slovenia following its re-introduced (1973).Animal killed all three males at one lek.This establishment of predator pressure was confirmed by a pilot study of predator tracks of red fox, martens and lynx in snow at four capercaillie leks in SlovenianAlps (Dretnik et al. 1999; Čas 2000). Observed lynx tracks were caused by only one lynx pair yet, seen at the 20,000 hectares area (which confirmed their mysteriously life and waylaying strategy of plunder at promising locations). The observation of predation at leks increases between 1980 and 2000 showed similarities with an increase of negative influence of the few main predator of wildlife populations’ density increase for 150% (martens, wild boar) (Table 2). Population dynamics of red fox showed a slight reduction in density (-18%), but the data suggest the negative influence of cyclical trend of 33 –year cycle with minimum in 1990 and increase the density of population about year 2000 (to 3.5 shoot animals/ 1000 ha) (Čas 2006). However, the habitat fragmentation and negative impact of red fox on capercaillie population size after 1990 has increased, similar to the martens and wild boar increase in Alps after 1980 (Storch etal. 2005; Čas2006).Additionally we assumed the predators as one of the main reasons for capercaillie density decline in open forestland in this part of Europe. In summary we assumed a negative correlation between predator species densities by hunting statistics and capercaillie population density, as prey. The predator pressure at leks has shown adapted strategy for survey of capercaillie birds.The behaviour of capercaillie birds caused by predator confirmed to influence the fear of the subpopulation activities and the change of the mating time at leks. In case of one continuously observed lek with approximately five ac |