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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
M. Čas: DISTURBANCESAND PREDATIONAT CAPERCAILLIE LEK HABITATS INALPS ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIV (2010), 487-495 tive cocks in theAlpine region in north Slovenia we established avoidance of beginning of display of cocks on the ground to higher visibility in light early morning in later time due to predators waiting at ground (martens, fox) before in darkness (Čas,unpublish). Interesting and important was the surmise that behaviour and shift of capercaillie birds out of the mating leks do not take regard of the predators (Elliason and Wegge 2007). On the other hand predation as a cause of lek disturbance occured very seldom on Norwegian leks. But both males and females were taken by predators during daytime when they were not on the lek (P. Wegge,pers. comm. 8.Aug. 2008). The first important parameter of lek habitats suitability in management forest landscape are suitable structure with above 60 to 80% of opened mature and old forests with gaps and with sufficient share of pasture areas (3–5%) with berries and with persistence of sufficiently high percentage of conifers in mixed forests (60–95%) (Storch 1999; Čas 2006).There are habitat suitable rich field layer (above 60%) with bilberry (Eiberle 1984;Storch1999;Bolmanetal. 2005; Graf etal. 2007). In old forest habitats are important persistence of liying trunks and ant hills (Čas 2006). Comparable results were obtained for other capercaillie habitats in Eurasia (Rolstad and Wegge 1987, Beškarev et al. 1995; Klaus and Bergmann, 1994; Storch 1999; Saniga 2004). Since 1960ies Slovenia experienced intensive thinning in co-natural multipurpose forest management and intensive opening of mountain forests with forest roads to between 1980–1990ies (Robek andKlun 2007). In that time many leks were destroyed as a result of the cutting of old-growth forests. It coincided with an account for a high percentage (71.8 % in the reason responsible) of active leks decline around year 1980. Later, the effect of cutting decreased to 19.6% leks and the effect of construction of forest roads from 7.7% to 4.3% leks around in 2000.This phenomenon is confirmed by the fact that forest road construction in Slovenia rose strongest by 63.7% gradually between 1964 and 1989 up to 19.8m/ha (ReNGP, Ur.l. RS, 111/2007). Intensified the forest management in mountain forests considerably caused temporary destruction of habitat and its frag mentation and other human disturbances impacts on capercaillie habitat reduced (Adamič 1987, Čas 2006); and similarly is in other countries of capercaillie distribution (Rolstad and Wegge 1987; Beškarevet al. 1995;Storch1999;Zubić2009). Additional negative human impacts in habitat were caused by forest management in spring matting and breeding time, pasturing of cattle and sheep or wildlife and berries picking (Table 1) which negative impact on persistence of bilberry food and breeding success were confirmed in other studies (Baines etal. 2004; Purnat et al. 2005). In recent times cables of pasture fences turned out to have negative influence on capercaillie as well (Catt etal. 1994). In addition a natural forest development to more deciduous structures and the habitat of mix coniferous forests shrinking due to the climate change and temperature increase was obvious in Slovenia (Čas andAdamič 2007;Kutnar et al. 2009) and wider in Europe (Fanta 1992;Stutzer 2000; Marrachi et al. 2005). Overgrowing of last pastures in mountain management forestland was indicated as an additional cause of leks endangerment observed in Slovenia. The second main negative impact on the suitability of capercaillie and also black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) habitats in Europe were mountain tourist activities (Storch 1999, Gulič et al. 2005; Menoni et al. 2006;Thiel etal. 2007).After an opening of mountain forests with forest roads to the 1980ies, areas became favourite spots for mountain tourism including motor vehicles and snow sledges driving.This impact on lek abundance was reflected in an increase of endangered leks from 1980 to 2000 (+21.0 %) (Table 1). The human disturbances on the edge of capercaillie distribution area and habitat fragmentation in parallel to climate changes and air pollutions impacts on habitat changes to unsuitable structures influenced capercaillie population in studied forests (Čas andAdamič 1995, Storch 1999, 2007; Angelstam et al. 2004; Pooloetal. 2008;Thieletal. 2008). CONCLUSIONSAND SUGGESTIONS FORADAPTED FOREST AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT – Zaključci i prijedlozi za adaptaciju šumskog i lovnog gospodarenja The sustainable dynamic of majority percentage of mountain old-growth mix forest in areas with a modera te road density and unaggressive and controlled mountain tourism was important for conservation of capercaillie habitat suitability. Predator number control (hunting of predators) (Budiansky 1995) in the capercaillie lek areas and the nature of coherent population density of predators were crucial regulators of stable grouse densities in mountain forest landscapes of Central and South- East Europe (Storch etal. 2005; Čas2006).This analysis showed that the assessment of the reasons for threats to leks on the basis of the descriptions and experiences of observers as a good indicator of the causes of risk habitats. Results of the current situation and differences regarding the negative impacts on habitats were an important guideline for forest and hunting management planning, and for a sustainable multipurpose landscape use with a continuous presence of forest grouse species. |